def handle_host_command(self, rxtx, s):
if s.startswith('AT+JAAC'):
- # AT+JAAC=x (x can be 0 or 1)
+ # AT+JAAC=<auto_accept> (0 or 1)
p = s[s.find('=') + 1:]
if p not in ('0', '1'):
self.putx([2, ['Warning: Invalid JAAC parameter "%s"' % p]])
self.putx([0, ['%s-accept new connections' % x]])
self.putx([1, ['%s-accept connections' % x]])
elif s.startswith('AT+JPRO'):
+ # AT+JPRO=<mode> (0 or 1)
p = s[s.find('=') + 1:]
if p not in ('0', '1'):
self.putx([2, ['Warning: Invalid JPRO parameter "%s"' % p]])
self.putx([0, ['%s production mode' % x]])
self.putx([1, ['Production mode = %s' % onoff]])
elif s.startswith('AT+JRES'):
if s != 'AT+JRES': # JRES has no params.
self.putx([2, ['Warning: Invalid JRES usage.']])
self.putx([0, ['Triggering a software reset']])
self.putx([1, ['Reset']])
elif s.startswith('AT+JSDA'):
- # AT+JSDA=l,d (l: length in bytes, d: data)
+ # AT+JSDA=<l>,<d> (l: length in bytes, d: data)
+ # l is (max?) 3 decimal digits and ranges from 1 to MTU size.
+ # Data can be ASCII or binary values (l bytes total).
l, d = s[s.find('=') + 1:].split(',')
if not l.isnumeric():
self.putx([2, ['Warning: Invalid data length "%s".' % l]])
if int(l) != len(d):
self.putx([2, ['Warning: Data length mismatch (%d != %d).' % \
(int(l), len(d))]])
- # TODO: Warn if length > MTU size (which is firmware-dependent).
+ # TODO: Warn if length > MTU size (which is firmware-dependent
+ # and is negotiated by both Bluetooth devices upon connection).
b = ''.join(['%02x ' % ord(c) for c in d])[:-1]
self.putx([0, ['Sending %d data bytes: %s' % (int(l), b)]])
self.putx([1, ['Send %d = %s' % (int(l), b)]])
elif s.startswith('AT+JSEC'):
+ # AT+JSEC=<secmode>,<linkkey_info>,<pintype>,<pinlen>,<pin>
+ # secmode: Security mode 1 or 3 (default).
+ # linkkey_info: Must be 1 or 2. Has no function according to docs.
+ # pintype: 1: variable pin (default), 2: fixed pin.
+ # pinlen: PIN length (2 decimal digits). Max. PIN length is 16.
+ # pin: The Bluetooth PIN ('pinlen' chars). Used if pintype=2.
+ # Note: AT+JSEC (if used) must be the first command after reset.
+ # TODO: Parse all the other parameters.
pin = s[-4:]
self.putx([0, ['Host set the Bluetooth PIN to "' + pin + '"']])
self.putx([1, ['PIN = ' + pin]])
elif s.startswith('AT+JSLN'):
+ # AT+JSLN=<namelen>,<name>
+ # namelen: Friendly name length (2 decimal digits). Max. len is 18.
+ # name: The Bluetooth "friendly name" ('namelen' ASCII characters).
name = s[s.find(',') + 1:]
self.putx([0, ['Host set the Bluetooth name to "' + name + '"']])
self.putx([1, ['BT name = ' + name]])