This can be (manually) used as follows to update the list of USB
VIDs/PIDs in device_filter.xml (based on the latest git version of the
libsigrok udev rules file, downloaded via wget):
$ make update-device-filter > device_filter.xml
This fixes parts of bug #665.
$(SIGROK_CORE_POM): always
$(AM_V_GEN)ant -S -q $(ANTFLAGS) pom
+ @echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
+ @echo "<!-- Generated via 'make update-device-filter', don't edit. -->"
+ @echo "<resources>"
+ @echo -e -n `wget ';a=blob_plain;f=contrib/z60_libsigrok.rules' -q -O - | grep idVendor | sed 's/ATTRS{idVendor}=="\(.*\)", ATTRS{idProduct}=="\(.*\)", MODE.*/<usb-device vendor-id="\1" product-id="\2" \/>\\\n/p' | sort | uniq`
+ @echo "</resources>"
-rm -rf build ant/build jni