TODO: Protocol details.
-TODO: Protocol decoder output format description.
+Protocol output format (WORK IN PROGRESS!):
+JTAG packet:
+[<packet-type>, <data>]
+<packet-type> is one of:
+ - 'NEW STATE': <data> is the new state of the JTAG state machine.
+ - 'IR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the IR register.
+ - 'IR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the IR register.
+ - 'DR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the DR register.
+ - 'DR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the DR register.
+ - ...
+All bitstrings are a sequence of '1' and '0' characters. The right-most
+character in the bitstring is the LSB. Example: '01110001' (1 is LSB).