a Plug and Play ID (PNPID). The list of PNPID assignments is done by Microsoft.
More information is available on this page:
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463195
+ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg463195
The 'pnpids.txt' file included with this protocol decoder is derived from
the list of assignments downloadable from that page. It was retrieved in
More information on EDID is available here:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_display_identification_data
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_display_identification_data
from .edid import *
[<cmd>, <data>]
<cmd> is one of:
- - 'START' (START condition)
- - 'START REPEAT' (Repeated START condition)
- - 'ADDRESS READ' (Slave address, read)
- - 'ADDRESS WRITE' (Slave address, write)
- - 'DATA READ' (Data, read)
- - 'DATA WRITE' (Data, write)
- - 'STOP' (STOP condition)
- - 'ACK' (ACK bit)
- - 'NACK' (NACK bit)
+ - 'START' (START condition)
+ - 'START REPEAT' (Repeated START condition)
+ - 'ADDRESS READ' (Slave address, read)
+ - 'ADDRESS WRITE' (Slave address, write)
+ - 'DATA READ' (Data, read)
+ - 'DATA WRITE' (Data, write)
+ - 'STOP' (STOP condition)
+ - 'ACK' (ACK bit)
+ - 'NACK' (NACK bit)
<data> is the data or address byte associated with the 'ADDRESS*' and 'DATA*'
command. Slave addresses do not include bit 0 (the READ/WRITE indication bit).
[<packet-type>, <data>]
<packet-type> is one of:
- - 'NEW STATE': <data> is the new state of the JTAG state machine.
- - 'IR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the IR register.
- - 'IR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the IR register.
- - 'DR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the DR register.
- - 'DR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the DR register.
- - ...
+ - 'NEW STATE': <data> is the new state of the JTAG state machine.
+ - 'IR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the IR register.
+ - 'IR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the IR register.
+ - 'DR TDI': Bitstring that was clocked into the DR register.
+ - 'DR TDO': Bitstring that was clocked out of the DR register.
+ - ...
All bitstrings are a sequence of '1' and '0' characters. The right-most
character in the bitstring is the LSB. Example: '01110001' (1 is LSB).
- 'CS CHANGE': <data1> is the old CS# pin value, <data2> is the new value.
Both data items are Python numbers (0/1), not strings.
['CS-CHANGE', 1, 0]
['DATA', 0xff, 0x3a]
['DATA', 0x65, 0x00]
['CS-CHANGE', 0, 1]
from .spi import *
UART packet:
[<packet-type>, <rxtx>, <packet-data>]
-This is the list of <packet-types>s and their respective <packet-data>:
+This is the list of <packet-type>s and their respective <packet-data>:
- 'STARTBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the start bit (0/1).
- 'DATA': The data is the (integer) value of the UART data. Valid values
range from 0 to 512 (as the data can be up to 9 bits in size).
of 12Mbit/s. The SE0 transmitted to signal an end-of-packet is two bit
intervals long.
+Protocol output format: