--- /dev/null
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2019 Vesa-Pekka Palmu <vpalmu@depili.fi>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+# OrderedDict which maps command IDs to their names and descriptions.
+cmds = OrderedDict([
+ (0xA0, ('PAGE', 'Jump to page')),
+ (0xD0, ('GBV', 'Get byte variable')),
+ (0xD1, ('GWV', 'Get word variable')),
+ (0xD2, ('GSV', 'Get string variable')),
+ (0xD3, ('GLV', 'Get label variable')),
+ (0xD4, ('GRPC', 'Get RPC buffer')),
+ (0xD5, ('SBV', 'Set byte variable')),
+ (0xD6, ('SWV', 'Set word variable')),
+ (0xD7, ('SSV', 'Set string variable')),
+ (0xD8, ('RPC', 'Invoke RPC')),
+ (0xD9, ('LINE', 'Draw line')),
+ (0xDA, ('RECT', 'Draw rectangle')),
+ (0xDB, ('FRECT', 'Draw filled rectangle')),
+ (0xDC, ('PIXEL', 'Draw pixel')),
+ (0xDD, ('GBVA', 'Get byte variable array')),
+ (0xDE, ('GWVA', 'Get word variable array')),
+ (0xDF, ('SBVA', 'Set byte variable array')),
+ (0xE0, ('GBVR', 'Get byte variable reply')),
+ (0xE1, ('GWVR', 'Get word variable reply')),
+ (0xE2, ('GSVR', 'Get string variable reply')),
+ (0xE3, ('GLVR', 'Get label variable reply')),
+ (0xE4, ('GRPCR', 'Get RPC buffer reply')),
+ (0xE5, ('SBVR', 'Set byte variable reply')),
+ (0xE6, ('SWVR', 'Set word variable reply')),
+ (0xE7, ('SSVR', 'Set string variable reply')),
+ (0xE8, ('RPCR', 'Invoke RPC reply')),
+ (0xE9, ('LINER', 'Draw line reply')),
+ (0xEA, ('RECTR', 'Draw rectangle')),
+ (0xEB, ('FRECTR', 'Draw filled rectangle reply')),
+ (0xEC, ('PIXELR', 'Draw pixel reply')),
+ (0xED, ('GBVAR', 'Get byte variable array reply')),
+ (0xEE, ('GWVAR', 'Get word variable array reply')),
+ (0xEF, ('SBVAR', 'Set byte variable array reply')),
+ (0xF0, ('ACK', 'Acknowledgment')),
+ (0xF1, ('NACK', 'Negative acknowledgment')),
+ (0xF2, ('SWVA', 'Set word variable array')),
+ (0xF3, ('SWVAR', 'Set word variable array reply')),
+ (0xF4, ('GCV', 'Get color variable')),
+ (0xF5, ('GCVR', 'Get color variable reply')),
+ (0xF6, ('SCV', 'Set color variable')),
+ (0xF7, ('SCVR', 'Set color variable reply')),
+cmds_with_high_bytes = [
+ 0xA0, # PAGE - Page change
+ 0xD7, # SVV - Set string variable
+ 0xE7, # SVVR - Set string variable reply
+ 0xE2, # GSVR - Get string variable reply
+ 0xE3, # GLVR - Get label variable reply
--- /dev/null
+## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
+## Copyright (C) 2019 Vesa-Pekka Palmu <vpalmu@depili.fi>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import sigrokdecode as srd
+from math import ceil
+from .lists import *
+L = len(cmds)
+RX = 0
+TX = 1
+rxtx_channels = ('RX', 'TX')
+# Don't forget to keep this in sync with 'cmds' is lists.py.
+class Ann:
+def cmd_annotation_classes():
+ return tuple([tuple([cmd[0].lower(), cmd[1]]) for cmd in cmds.values()])
+class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
+ api_version = 3
+ id = 'amulet_ascii'
+ name = 'Amulet ASCII'
+ longname = 'Amulet LCD ASCII'
+ desc = 'Amulet Technologies LCD controller ASCII protocol.'
+ license = 'gplv3+'
+ inputs = ['uart']
+ outputs = []
+ tags = ['Display']
+ annotations = cmd_annotation_classes() + (
+ ('bit', 'Bit'),
+ ('field', 'Field'),
+ ('warning', 'Warning'),
+ )
+ annotation_rows = (
+ ('bits', 'Bits', (L + 0,)),
+ ('fields', 'Fields', (L + 1,)),
+ ('commands', 'Commands', tuple(range(len(cmds)))),
+ ('warnings', 'Warnings', (L + 2,)),
+ )
+ options = (
+ {'id': 'ms_chan', 'desc': 'Master -> slave channel',
+ 'default': rxtx_channels[0], 'values': rxtx_channels},
+ {'id': 'sm_chan', 'desc': 'Slave -> master channel',
+ 'default': rxtx_channels[1], 'values': rxtx_channels},
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate = None
+ # Build dict mapping command keys to handler functions. Each
+ # command in 'cmds' (defined in lists.py) has a matching
+ # handler self.handle_<shortname>.
+ def get_handler(cmd):
+ s = 'handle_%s' % cmds[cmd][0].lower().replace('/', '_')
+ return getattr(self, s)
+ self.cmd_handlers = dict((cmd, get_handler(cmd)) for cmd in cmds.keys())
+ def start(self):
+ self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
+ def putx(self, data):
+ # Simplification, most annotations span exactly one SPI byte/packet.
+ self.put(self.ss, self.es, self.out_ann, data)
+ def putf(self, data):
+ self.put(self.ss_field, self.es_field, self.out_ann, data)
+ def putc(self, data):
+ self.put(self.ss_cmd, self.es_cmd, self.out_ann, data)
+ def cmd_ann_list(self):
+ x, s = cmds[self.state][0], cmds[self.state][1]
+ return ['Command: %s (%s)' % (s, x), 'Command: %s' % s,
+ 'Cmd: %s' % s, 'Cmd: %s' % x, x]
+ def emit_cmd_byte(self):
+ self.ss_cmd = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.FIELD, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ def emit_addr_bytes(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.addr = chr(pdata)
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), 'Addr h 0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.addr += chr(pdata)
+ self.addr = int(self.addr, 16)
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), 'Addr l 0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ def emit_cmd_end(self, data):
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc(data)
+ self.state = None
+ def handle_read(self, data):
+ if self.cmdstate == 1:
+ self.emit_cmd_byte()
+ self.addr = 0
+ elif self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.emit_addr_bytes(pdata)
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.emit_addr_bytes(pdata)
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_set_common(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 1:
+ self.addr = 0
+ self.emit_addr_bytes(pdata)
+ def emit_not_implemented(self, data):
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Command not decoded', 'Not decoded']])
+ self.emit_cmd_end(data)
+ def handle_string(self, pdata, ann_class):
+ # TODO: unicode / string modifiers...
+ self.handle_set_common(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = ''
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated string ends.
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['NULL']])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: %s' % (self.value),
+ 'Val: %s' % (self.value), '%s' % (self.value)]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([ann_class, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ if self.cmdstate > 3:
+ self.value += chr(pdata)
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Command handlers
+ # Page change 0xA0, 0x02, index_high, index_low, checksum
+ def handle_page(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ if pdata == 0x02:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss_cmd
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.checksum = 0xA0 + 0x02
+ else:
+ self.putx([Ann.WARN, ['Illegal second byte for page change',
+ 'Illegal byte']])
+ self.state = None
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.checksum += pdata
+ self.page[0] = pdata
+ elif self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.checksum += pdata
+ self.page[1] = pdata
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ if self.page[0] == self.page [1] == 0xFF:
+ # Soft reset trigger
+ self.putf(Ann.WARN, ['Soft reset', 'Reset'])
+ else:
+ page = chr(self.page[0]) + chr(self.page[1])
+ self.putf(Ann.FIELD, ['Page index: 0x%s' % (page),
+ 'Page: 0x%s' % (page), '0x%s' % (page)])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 5:
+ self.checksum += pdata
+ if (self.checksum & 0xFF) != 0:
+ self.putx([Ann.WARN, ['Checksum error', 'Error', 'ERR']])
+ else:
+ self.putx([Ann.FIELD, ['Checksum OK', 'OK']])
+ self.emit_cmd_end(Ann.PAGE)
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Value reads: command byte, address high nibble, address low nibble
+ # Get byte value
+ def handle_gbv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GBV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get word value
+ def handle_gwv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GWV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get string value
+ def handle_gsv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GSV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get label value
+ def handle_glv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GLV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get RPC buffer
+ def handle_grpc(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.flags = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.flags += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['RPC flag: 0x%02X' % (self.flags)]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GRPC, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get byte value array
+ def handle_gbva(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GBVA, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get word value array
+ def handle_gwva(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GWVA, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Get color variable
+ def handle_gcv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GCV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Value setters: command byte, address high nibble, address low nibble, data bytes
+ # Set byte value data = high nibble, low nibble
+ def handle_sbv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_set_common(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = chr(pdata)
+ elif self.cmdstate == 5:
+ self.value += chr(pdata)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%s' % self.value,
+ 'Val: 0x%s' % self.value, '0x%s' % self.value]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SBV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Set word value, msb high, msb low, lsb high, lsb low
+ def handle_swv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_set_common(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate > 3:
+ nibble = self.cmdstate - 4
+ if nibble == 0:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = 0
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ if nibble == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%04x' % self.value,
+ 'Val: 0x%04x' % self.value, '0x%04x' % self.value]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SWV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Set string value, null terminated utf8 strings
+ def handle_ssv(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_string(pdata, Ann.SSV)
+ # Set byte value array
+ def handle_sbva(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 2
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ elif stage == 2:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SBVA, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.value = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%02X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%02X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Set word value array
+ def handle_swva(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 4
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ self.value = 0
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ if nibble == 0:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SWVA, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ if nibble == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%04X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%04X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Set color variable
+ def handle_scv(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 8:
+ self.emit_not_implemented([Ann.SCV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # RPC trigger
+ def handle_rpc(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.RPC, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ # Drawing
+ # Decode pair of (x,y) 16bit coordinates
+ def decode_coords(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 1:
+ self.coords[0] = 0
+ self.coords[1] = 0
+ self.coords[2] = 0
+ self.coords[3] = 0
+ if self.cmdstate < 18:
+ # Coordinates
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 1) % 4
+ i = (self.cmdstate - 1) / 4
+ self.coords[i] += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ if nibble == 0:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ elif nibble == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Coordinate 0x%04X' % (self.coords[i])],
+ ['0x%04X' % (self.coords[i])]])
+ # TODO: There are actually two protocol revisions for drawing.
+ # Both use 4 bytes for 16bit x and y pairs for start and end.
+ # The older follows this by a pattern selector and then line weight.
+ # Newer version has 6 bytes for 8bit RGB color...
+ # Draw line
+ def handle_line(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.LINE, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Line pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Draw rectange
+ def handle_rect(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.RECT, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Line pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Draw filled rectangle
+ def handle_frect(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.FRECT, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Fill pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Draw pixel
+ def handle_pixel(self, pdata):
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Draw pixel documentation is missing.', 'Undocumented']])
+ self.state = None
+ # Replies
+ def handle_gbvr(self, pdata):
+ self.emit_add_bytes(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['High nibble 0x%s' % (pdata), '0x%s' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 5:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Low nibble 0x%s' % (pdata), '0x%s' % (pdata)]])
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%02X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%02X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GBVR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_gwvr(self, pdata):
+ self.emit_add_bytes(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate > 3:
+ nibble = self.cmdstate - 3
+ if nibble == 0:
+ self.value = 0
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['0x%s' % (pdata)]])
+ if nibble == 3:
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%04x' % (self.value),
+ '0x%04X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.es_cmd = self.ss
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GWVR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_gsvr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_string(pdata, Ann.GSVR)
+ def handle_glvr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_string(pdata, Ann.GLVR)
+ def handle_grpcr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_addr(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate > 3:
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 2
+ if nibble == 0:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GRPCR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.value = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['0x%s' % (pdata)]])
+ if nibble == 2:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['0x%s' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['0x%02X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_sbvr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_set_common(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = chr(pdata)
+ elif self.cmdstate == 5:
+ self.value += chr(pdata)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%s' % self.value,
+ 'Val: 0x%s' % self.value, '0x%s' % self.value]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SBVR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_swvr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_set_common(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 4:
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.value = (pdata - 0x30) << 4
+ elif self.cmdstate == 5:
+ self.value += (pdata - 0x30)
+ self.value = self.value << 8
+ elif self.cmdstate == 6:
+ self.value += (pdata - 0x30) << 4
+ elif self.cmdstate == 7:
+ self.value += (pdata - 0x30)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value: 0x%04x' % self.value,
+ 'Val: 0x%04x' % self.value, '0x%04x' % self.value]])
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SWVR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_ssvr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_string(pdata, Ann.SSVR)
+ def handle_rpcr(self, pdata):
+ self.handle_read(pdata)
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.RPCR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ def handle_liner(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.LINER, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Line pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_rectr(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.RECTR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Line pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_frectr(self, pdata):
+ decode_coords(pdata)
+ if self.cmdstate == 18:
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.FRECTR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN, ['Line pattern / Color not implemented']])
+ self.state = None
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_pixelr(self, pdata):
+ self.es_cmd = self.es
+ self.putc([Ann.WARN,['Draw pixel documentation is missing.', 'Undocumented']])
+ self.state = None
+ def handle_gbvar(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 2
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ elif stage == 2:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GBVAR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.value = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%02X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%02X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_gwvar(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 4
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ self.value = 0
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ if nibble == 0:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.GWVAR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ if nibble == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%04X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%04X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Get byte variable array reply
+ def handle_sbvar(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 2
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ elif stage == 2:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SBVAR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.value = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%02X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%02X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # Set word variable array reply
+ def handle_swvar(self, pdata):
+ nibble = (self.cmdstate - 3) % 4
+ if self.cmdstate == 2:
+ self.addr = int(chr(pdata), 16) << 4
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address high nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr high 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ elif self.cmdstate == 3:
+ self.addr += int(chr(pdata), 16)
+ self.es_field = self.ss
+ self.putx([Ann.BIT, ['Address low nibble: %c' % (pdata),
+ 'Addr low 0x%c' % (pdata), '0x%c' % (pdata)]])
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Address: 0x%02X' % self.addr,
+ 'Addr: 0x%02X' % self.addr, '0x%02X' % self.addr]])
+ self.value = 0
+ else:
+ self.value += int(chr(pdata), 16) << 12 - (4 * nibble)
+ if nibble == 0:
+ if pdata == 0x00:
+ # Null terminated list
+ self.emit_cmd_end([Ann.SWVAR, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ return
+ self.ss_field = self.ss
+ if nibble == 3:
+ self.es_field = self.es
+ self.putf([Ann.FIELD, ['Value 0x%04X' % (self.value),
+ '0x%04X' % (self.value)]])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_gcvr(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 8:
+ self.emit_not_implemented([Ann.SCV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ def handle_scvr(self, pdata):
+ if self.cmdstate == 8:
+ self.emit_not_implemented([Ann.SCV, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.cmdstate += 1
+ # ACK & NACK
+ def handle_ack(self, pdata):
+ self.putx([Ann.ACK, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.state = None
+ def handle_nack(self, pdata):
+ self.putx([Ann.NACK, self.cmd_ann_list()])
+ self.state = None
+ def decode(self, ss, es, data):
+ ptype, rxtx, pdata = data
+ self.ss, self.es = ss, es
+ if ptype != 'DATA':
+ return
+ # Handle commands.
+ try:
+ abort_current = (0xD0 <= pdata[0] <= 0xF7) and \
+ (not (self.state in cmds_with_high_bytes)) and \
+ self.state != None
+ if abort_current:
+ self.putx([Ann.WARN, ['Command aborted by invalid byte', 'Abort']])
+ self.state = pdata[0]
+ self.emit_cmd_byte()
+ self.cmdstate = 1
+ if (self.state is None):
+ self.state = pdata[0]
+ self.emit_cmd_byte()
+ self.cmdstate = 1
+ self.cmd_handlers[self.state](pdata[0])
+ except KeyError:
+ self.putx([Ann.WARN, ['Unknown command: 0x%02x' % pdata[0]]])
+ self.state = None