--- /dev/null
+This is a set of example captures of JTAG communication to a Keil MCB2140
+eval board with a NXP LPC2148 (ARM7TDMI) microcontroller.
+The JTAG adapter used was the FTDI FT2232H based Floss-JTAG (V0.2).
+Logic analyzer setup
+The logic analyzer used was a Saleae Logic (at 4MHz):
+ Probe JTAG connector
+ --------------------------
+ 1 (black) TRST#
+ 2 (brown) TDI
+ 3 (red) TMS
+ 4 (orange) TCK
+ 5 (yellow) TDO
+ 6 (green) RST
+ 7 (blue) RTCK
+The following OpenOCD command was used:
+ openocd -f interface/flossjtag-noeeprom.cfg -f board/keil_mcb2140.cfg \
+ -c "init"
+The sigrok command line used was:
+ sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --time 5s \
+ -p '1=TRST,2=TDI,3=TMS,4=TCK,5=TDO,6=RST,7=RTCK' -o <filename>
+The following OpenOCD command was used:
+ openocd -f interface/flossjtag-noeeprom.cfg -f board/keil_mcb2140.cfg \
+ -c "init" -c "poll off" -c "sleep 4000" -c "reset" -c "halt"
+(only the last "reset" and "halt" are in the dump)
+The sigrok command line used was:
+ sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --time 5s \
+ -p '1=TRST,2=TDI,3=TMS,4=TCK,5=TDO,6=RST,7=RTCK' -o <filename>
+The following OpenOCD command was used:
+ openocd -f interface/flossjtag-noeeprom.cfg -f board/keil_mcb2140.cfg \
+ -c "init"
+The sigrok command line used was:
+ sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --time 3s \
+ -p '1=TRST,2=TDI,3=TMS,4=TCK,5=TDO,6=RST,7=RTCK' -o <filename>
+sigrok-cli was only started a few seconds after the OpenOCD init/connection
+to capture what happens when the user doesn't actively use OpenOCD commands.
+The following OpenOCD command was used:
+ openocd -f interface/flossjtag-noeeprom.cfg -f board/keil_mcb2140.cfg \
+ -c "init" -c "poll off" -c "sleep 4000" -c "irscan lpc2148.cpu 0xe" \
+ -c "drscan lpc2148.cpu 32 0"
+This gets the 32bit contents of the IDCODE register (0b1110): 0x4f1f0f0f.
+The sigrok command line used was:
+ sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=4mhz --time 5s \
+ -p '1=TRST,2=TDI,3=TMS,4=TCK,5=TDO,6=RST,7=RTCK' -o <filename>