/** Helper function to convert between map<string, string> and GHashTable */
-static GHashTable *map_to_hash(map<string, string> input)
+static GHashTable *map_to_hash_string(map<string, string> input)
auto output = g_hash_table_new_full(
g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
return output;
+/** Helper function to convert between map<string, VariantBase> and GHashTable */
+static GHashTable *map_to_hash_variant(map<string, Glib::VariantBase> input)
+ auto output = g_hash_table_new_full(
+ g_variant_hash, g_variant_equal, g_free,
+ (void (*)(void *))g_variant_unref);
+ for (auto entry : input)
+ g_hash_table_insert(output,
+ g_strdup(entry.first.c_str()),
+ entry.second.gobj_copy());
+ return output;
Error::Error(int result) : result(result)
for (int i = 0; input_list[i]; i++)
input_formats[input_list[i]->id] =
new InputFormat(input_list[i]);
- struct sr_output_format **output_list = sr_output_list();
+ const struct sr_output_module **output_list = sr_output_list();
if (output_list)
for (int i = 0; output_list[i]; i++)
- output_formats[output_list[i]->id] =
+ output_formats[sr_output_id_get(output_list[i])] =
new OutputFormat(output_list[i]);
map<string, string> options)
auto input = g_new(struct sr_input, 1);
- input->param = map_to_hash(options);
+ input->param = map_to_hash_string(options);
/** Run initialisation. */
check(structure->init(input, filename.c_str()));
check(format->structure->loadfile(input, filename.c_str()));
-OutputFormat::OutputFormat(struct sr_output_format *structure) :
- StructureWrapper<Context, struct sr_output_format>(structure)
+Option::Option(const struct sr_option *structure,
+ shared_ptr<const struct sr_option> structure_array) :
+ structure(structure),
+ structure_array(structure_array)
+string Option::get_id()
+ return valid_string(structure->id);
+string Option::get_name()
+ return valid_string(structure->name);
+string Option::get_description()
+ return valid_string(structure->desc);
+Glib::VariantBase Option::get_default_value()
+ return Glib::VariantBase(structure->def, true);
+vector<Glib::VariantBase> Option::get_values()
+ vector<Glib::VariantBase> result;
+ for (auto l = structure->values; l; l = l->next)
+ result.push_back(Glib::VariantBase((GVariant *) l->data, true));
+ return result;
+OutputFormat::OutputFormat(const struct sr_output_module *structure) :
+ StructureWrapper<Context, const struct sr_output_module>(structure)
string OutputFormat::get_name()
- return valid_string(structure->id);
+ return valid_string(sr_output_id_get(structure));
string OutputFormat::get_description()
- return valid_string(structure->description);
+ return valid_string(sr_output_description_get(structure));
+map<string, shared_ptr<Option>> OutputFormat::get_options()
+ const struct sr_option *option = sr_output_options_get(structure);
+ auto option_array = shared_ptr<const struct sr_option>(
+ option, [=](const struct sr_option *) {
+ sr_output_options_free(structure); });
+ map<string, shared_ptr<Option>> result;
+ for (; option->id; option++)
+ result[option->id] = shared_ptr<Option>(
+ new Option(option, option_array), Option::Deleter());
+ return result;
shared_ptr<Output> OutputFormat::create_output(
- shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, string> options)
+ shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options)
return shared_ptr<Output>(
new Output(
Output::Output(shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format,
- shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, string> options) :
+ shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options) :
- map_to_hash(options), device->structure)),
+ map_to_hash_variant(options), device->structure)),
format(format), device(device), options(options)
- g_hash_table_unref(structure->params);
class SR_API InputFileDevice;
class SR_API Output;
class SR_API DataType;
+class SR_API Option;
/** Exception thrown when an error code is returned by any libsigrok call. */
class SR_API Error: public exception
friend class InputFormat;
+/** An option used by an output format */
+class SR_API Option
+ /** Short name of this option suitable for command line usage. */
+ string get_id();
+ /** Short name of this option suitable for GUI usage. */
+ string get_name();
+ /** Description of this option in a sentence. */
+ string get_description();
+ /** Default value for this option. */
+ Glib::VariantBase get_default_value();
+ /** Possible values for this option, if a limited set. */
+ vector<Glib::VariantBase> get_values();
+ Option(const struct sr_option *structure,
+ shared_ptr<const struct sr_option> structure_array);
+ ~Option();
+ const struct sr_option *structure;
+ shared_ptr<const struct sr_option> structure_array;
+ /** Deleter needed to allow shared_ptr use with protected destructor. */
+ class Deleter
+ {
+ public:
+ void operator()(Option *option) { delete option; }
+ };
+ friend class Deleter;
+ friend class OutputFormat;
/** An output format supported by the library */
class SR_API OutputFormat :
- public StructureWrapper<Context, struct sr_output_format>
+ public StructureWrapper<Context, const struct sr_output_module>
/** Name of this output format. */
string get_name();
/** Description of this output format. */
string get_description();
+ /** Options supported by this output format. */
+ map<string, shared_ptr<Option> > get_options();
/** Create an output using this format. */
- shared_ptr<Output> create_output(shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, string> options = {});
+ shared_ptr<Output> create_output(shared_ptr<Device> device,
+ map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options = {});
- OutputFormat(struct sr_output_format *structure);
+ OutputFormat(const struct sr_output_module *structure);
friend class Context;
friend class Output;
Output(shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format, shared_ptr<Device> device);
Output(shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format,
- shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, string> options);
+ shared_ptr<Device> device, map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options);
- struct sr_output *structure;
+ const struct sr_output *structure;
const shared_ptr<OutputFormat> format;
const shared_ptr<Device> device;
- const map<string, string> options;
+ const map<string, Glib::VariantBase> options;
/** Deleter needed to allow shared_ptr use with protected destructor. */
class Deleter
#include "libsigrok/libsigrok.hpp"
/* Convert from a Python dict to a std::map<std::string, std::string> */
-std::map<std::string, std::string> dict_to_map(PyObject *dict)
+std::map<std::string, std::string> dict_to_map_string(PyObject *dict)
if (!PyDict_Check(dict))
throw sigrok::Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
throw sigrok::Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
+/* Convert from a Python type to Glib::Variant, according to Option data type. */
+Glib::VariantBase python_to_variant_by_option(PyObject *input,
+ std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Option> option)
+ GVariantType *type = option->get_default_value().get_type().gobj();
+ if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT64 && PyInt_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<guint64>::create(PyInt_AsLong(input));
+ if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT64 && PyLong_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<guint64>::create(PyLong_AsLong(input));
+ else if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING && PyString_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<std::string>::create(PyString_AsString(input));
+ else if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN && PyBool_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<bool>::create(input == Py_True);
+ else if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE && PyFloat_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<double>::create(PyFloat_AsDouble(input));
+ else if (type == G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32 && PyInt_Check(input))
+ return Glib::Variant<gint32>::create(PyInt_AsLong(input));
+ else
+ throw sigrok::Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
+/* Convert from a Python dict to a std::map<std::string, std::string> */
+std::map<std::string, Glib::VariantBase> dict_to_map_options(PyObject *dict,
+ std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Option> > options)
+ if (!PyDict_Check(dict))
+ throw sigrok::Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
+ std::map<std::string, Glib::VariantBase> output;
+ PyObject *py_key, *py_value;
+ Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
+ while (PyDict_Next(dict, &pos, &py_key, &py_value)) {
+ if (!PyString_Check(py_key))
+ throw sigrok::Error(SR_ERR_ARG);
+ auto key = PyString_AsString(py_key);
+ auto value = python_to_variant_by_option(py_value, options[key]);
+ output[key] = value;
+ }
+ return output;
/* Ignore these methods, we will override them below. */
std::shared_ptr<sigrok::InputFileDevice> _open_file_kwargs(std::string filename, PyObject *dict)
- return $self->open_file(filename, dict_to_map(dict));
+ return $self->open_file(filename, dict_to_map_string(dict));
std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Output> _create_output_kwargs(
std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Device> device, PyObject *dict)
- return $self->create_output(device, dict_to_map(dict));
+ return $self->create_output(device,
+ dict_to_map_options(dict, $self->get_options()));
std::map<const sigrok::ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase>;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Option> >;
+ std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Option> >;
+ std::vector<Glib::VariantBase>;
+ std::map<std::string, Glib::VariantBase>;
std::vector<const sigrok::QuantityFlag *>;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sigrok::ChannelGroup> >
+typedef std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sigrok::Option> >
+ map_string_Option;
+typedef std::map<std::string, Glib::VariantBase>
+ map_string_Variant;
typedef std::map<const sigrok::ConfigKey *, Glib::VariantBase>
std::string, description, get_description);
+ std::string, id, get_id);
+ std::string, name, get_name);
+ std::string, description, get_description);
+/* Currently broken on Python due to some issue with variant typemaps. */
+/* %attributeval(sigrok::Option,
+ Glib::VariantBase, default_value, get_default_value); */
+ std::vector<Glib::VariantBase>, values, get_values);
std::string, name, get_name);
std::string, description, get_description);
+ map_string_Option, options, get_options);
%attributestring(sigrok::Device, std::string, description, get_description);
%attributestring(sigrok::Device, std::string, vendor, get_vendor);