# Addresses/devices. Items that are not listed are reserved/unknown.
address = {
0x40: 'Matsui TV',
+ 0xEA41: 'Unknown LED Panel',
digits = {
31: ['Program down', 'P-'],
68: ['AV', 'AV'],
+ # This is most likely a generic remote control. The PCB
+ # has space for 16 buttons total, of which not all are
+ # connected. The PCB is marked "JSY", "XSK-5462", and
+ # "2014-6-12 JW". It consists of only a single IC, marked
+ # "BJEC107BNE" or similar. The following buttons are
+ # marked for the remote control of a LED panel this was
+ # found in.
+ 0xEA41: {
+ 0x10: ['Warmer', 'T+'],
+ 0x11: ['Colder', 'T-'],
+ 0x12: ['Brighter', '+'],
+ 0x13: ['Darker', '-'],
+ 0x14: ['Off', 'O'],
+ 0x15: ['On', 'I'],
+ 0x41: ['Min Brightness', 'Min'],
+ 0x48: ['Max Brightness', 'Max'],
+ },