longname = 'AVR In-System Programming'
desc = 'Protocol for in-system programming Atmel AVR MCUs.'
license = 'gplv2+'
- inputs = ['spi', 'logic']
+ inputs = ['spi']
outputs = ['avr_isp']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'reset', 'name': 'RESET#', 'desc': 'Target AVR MCU reset'},
- )
annotations = (
('pe', 'Programming enable'),
('rsb0', 'Read signature byte 0'),
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['i2c']
outputs = ['lm75']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'os', 'name': 'OS', 'desc': 'Overtemperature shutdown'},
- {'id': 'a0', 'name': 'A0', 'desc': 'I²C slave address input 0'},
- {'id': 'a1', 'name': 'A1', 'desc': 'I²C slave address input 1'},
- {'id': 'a2', 'name': 'A2', 'desc': 'I²C slave address input 2'},
- )
options = (
{'id': 'sensor', 'desc': 'Sensor type', 'default': 'lm75'},
{'id': 'resolution', 'desc': 'Resolution', 'default': 9,
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['onewire_network']
outputs = ['maxim_ds28ea00']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'pioa', 'name': 'PIOA/DONE#',
- 'desc': 'PIOA channel and chain output'},
- {'id': 'piob', 'name': 'PIOB/EN#',
- 'desc': 'PIOB channel and chain output'},
- )
annotations = (
('text', 'Human-readable text'),
longname = 'Macronix MX25Lxx05D'
desc = 'SPI (NOR) flash chip protocol.'
license = 'gplv2+'
- inputs = ['spi', 'logic']
+ inputs = ['logic']
outputs = ['mx25lxx05d']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'hold', 'name': 'HOLD#', 'desc': 'Pause device w/o deselecting it'},
- {'id': 'wp_acc', 'name': 'WP#/ACC', 'desc': 'Write protect'},
- )
annotations = cmd_annotation_classes() + (
('bits', 'Bits'),
('bits2', 'Bits2'),
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['i2c']
outputs = ['mxc6225xu']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'int', 'name': 'INT', 'desc': 'DTOS interrupt output pin'},
- )
annotations = (
('text', 'Human-readable text'),
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['i2c']
outputs = ['rtc8564']
- optional_probes = (
- {'id': 'clkout', 'name': 'CLKOUT', 'desc': 'Clock output'},
- {'id': 'clkoe', 'name': 'CLKOE', 'desc': 'Clock output enable'},
- {'id': 'int', 'name': 'INT#', 'desc': 'Interrupt'},
- )
annotations = reg_list() + (
('read', 'Read date/time'),
('write', 'Write date/time'),