# --- MUI interface configuration ---------------------------------------------
# Use the following icon for the installer EXE file.
-!define MUI_ICON "sigrok-logo-notext.ico"
+!define MUI_ICON "@top_srcdir@/contrib/sigrok-logo-notext.ico"
# Show a nice image at the top of each installer page.
# Path where the cross-compiled sigrok tools and libraries are located.
# Change this to where-ever you installed libsigrok.a and so on.
-!define CROSS "$%HOME%/sr_mingw"
-# Path where the cross-compiled MXE tools and libraries are located.
-# Change this to where-ever you installed MXE (and the files it built).
-!define MXE "$%HOME%/mxe-git/usr/i686-pc-mingw32"
+!define CROSS "@prefix@"
# --- MUI pages ---------------------------------------------------------------
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
# Show the license of the project.
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "../COPYING"
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "@top_srcdir@/COPYING"
# Show a screen which allows the user to select which components to install.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
# License file.
- File "../COPYING"
+ File "@top_srcdir@/COPYING"
# sigrok-cli.exe.
File "${CROSS}/bin/@PACKAGE_NAME@.exe"