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+ - In order to contribute you should ideally clone the git repository and
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Random notes
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+[Desktop Entry]
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+ <g id="g4720-2" transform="matrix(.98787 -.15526 .15526 .98787 -42.271 63.417)">
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+ <path id="path4657-9" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-0" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-6" transform="matrix(.94451 -.32848 .32848 .94451 -79.478 131.23)">
+ <path id="rect4625-93" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-5" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-6" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-0" transform="matrix(.84411 -.53617 .53617 .84411 -103.8 224.17)">
+ <path id="rect4625-6" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-2" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-1" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-4" transform="matrix(.63008 -.77653 .77653 .63008 -96.161 351.53)">
+ <path id="rect4625-05" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-0" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-2" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-2-1" transform="matrix(-.98787 -.15526 -.15526 .98787 642.52 63.417)">
+ <path id="rect4625-0-8" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-9-4" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-0-8" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-6-1" transform="matrix(-.94451 -.32848 -.32848 .94451 679.72 131.23)">
+ <path id="rect4625-93-8" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-5-1" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-6-7" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-0-8" transform="matrix(-.84411 -.53617 -.53617 .84411 704.05 224.17)">
+ <path id="rect4625-6-8" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-2-3" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-1-5" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="g4720-4-5" transform="matrix(-.63008 -.77653 -.77653 .63008 696.41 351.53)">
+ <path id="rect4625-05-6" style="color:#000000" d="m300.03 0.9989c-1.1099 0.0045-2.2085 0.96259-2.3617 2.8125-3.4868 42.092-1.1379 61.943-1.3171 72.469-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126h12.532v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.17845-1.8678-1.2972-2.817-2.4071-2.8125l-0.00015-0.0001z" fill="#1a1a1a"/>
+ <path id="path4657-0-4" style="color:#000000" d="m303.35 38.204a2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 -4.2426 0 2.1213 28.284 0 1 1 4.2426 0z" transform="translate(-2.1213 8.4853)" fill="url(#radialGradient4038)"/>
+ <path id="rect4625-9-2-6" style="color:#000000" d="m298.41 7.3114c-3.4868 42.092 0.11212 56.693-0.0671 67.219-0.1512 8.8808-4.6309 14.242-4.3146 14.969 1.5637 3.5938 1.7792 8.6526 1.7792 11.905v17.126l10.532 1.75v-17.225c0-3.4204 0.19044-8.2459 1.6756-11.806 0.41457-0.9939-4.3147-6.0874-4.3147-14.969 0-10.271 2.7656-30.213-1.2717-72.469-0.67872-3.8375-3.0216 0.39801-4.019 3.4999z" fill="url(#radialGradient4040)"/>
+ </g>
+ <path id="rect4622-8" style="color:#000000" d="m254.32 333.77h91.362v2.5144c-23.573 1.6946-49.974 2.6928-91.362 0v-2.5144z" fill="url(#linearGradient4074)"/>
+ <path id="rect4622-8-0" style="color:#000000" d="m338.82 333.63h6.7367v19.615c-3.3472-0.0173-4.745 0.15065-6.7367 0v-19.615z" fill="url(#linearGradient4076)"/>
+ <path id="rect4622-8-0-4" style="color:#000000" d="m255.07 308.68h90.487v24.565c-23.347 1.9827-49.495 3.1506-90.487 0v-24.565z" fill="url(#linearGradient4078)"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
GSList *ann_list, *l;
int i;
char **ann_descr;
- gboolean show;
+ gboolean show_ann, show_snum, show_class, show_quotes, show_abbrev;
+ const char *quote;
dec = pdata->pdo->di->decoder;
pda = pdata->data;
- show = FALSE;
+ show_ann = FALSE;
for (l = ann_list; l; l = l->next) {
if (GPOINTER_TO_INT(l->data) == -1
|| GPOINTER_TO_INT(l->data) == pda->ann_class) {
- show = TRUE;
+ show_ann = TRUE;
- if (!show)
+ if (!show_ann)
- if (opt_loglevel <= SR_LOG_WARN) {
- /* Show only the longest annotation. */
- printf("%s: %s", pdata->pdo->proto_id, pda->ann_text[0]);
- } else if (opt_loglevel >= SR_LOG_INFO) {
- /* Sample numbers and quotes around the longest annotation. */
- printf("%"PRIu64"-%"PRIu64"", pdata->start_sample, pdata->end_sample);
- if (opt_loglevel == SR_LOG_INFO) {
- printf(" %s \"%s\"", pdata->pdo->proto_id, pda->ann_text[0]);
- } else {
- /* Protocol decoder id, annotation class,
- * all annotation strings. */
- ann_descr = g_slist_nth_data(dec->annotations, pda->ann_class);
- printf(" %s: %s:", pdata->pdo->proto_id, ann_descr[0]);
- for (i = 0; pda->ann_text[i]; i++)
- printf(" \"%s\"", pda->ann_text[i]);
- }
+ /*
+ * Determine which fields of the annotation to display. Inspect
+ * user specified options as well as the verbosity of the log level:
+ * - Optionally show the sample numbers for the annotation's span.
+ * - Always show the protocol decoder ID.
+ * - Optionally show the annotation's class description.
+ * - Always show the longest annotation text.
+ * - Optionally show alternative annotation text (abbreviations
+ * for different zoom levels).
+ * - Optionally put quote marks around annotation text, when
+ * recipients might have to deal with a set of text variants.
+ */
+ show_snum = show_class = show_quotes = show_abbrev = FALSE;
+ if (opt_pd_samplenum || opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_WARN) {
+ show_snum = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_WARN) {
+ show_quotes = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_INFO) {
+ show_class = TRUE;
+ show_abbrev = TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Display the annotation's fields after the layout was
+ * determined above.
+ */
+ if (show_snum) {
+ printf("%" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " ",
+ pdata->start_sample, pdata->end_sample);
+ }
+ printf("%s: ", pdata->pdo->proto_id);
+ if (show_class) {
+ ann_descr = g_slist_nth_data(dec->annotations, pda->ann_class);
+ printf("%s: ", ann_descr[0]);
+ }
+ quote = show_quotes ? "\"" : "";
+ printf("%s%s%s", quote, pda->ann_text[0], quote);
+ if (show_abbrev) {
+ for (i = 1; pda->ann_text[i]; i++)
+ printf(" %s%s%s", quote, pda->ann_text[i], quote);
/* Not in the list of PDs whose meta output we're showing. */
- if (opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_WARN)
+ if (opt_pd_samplenum || opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_WARN)
printf("%"PRIu64"-%"PRIu64" ", pdata->start_sample, pdata->end_sample);
printf("%s: ", pdata->pdo->proto_id);
printf("%s: %s", pdata->pdo->meta_name, g_variant_print(pdata->data, FALSE));
struct srd_proto_data_binary *pdb;
gpointer classp;
- int class;
+ int classi;
/* Not in the list of PDs whose meta output we're showing. */
- class = GPOINTER_TO_INT(classp);
+ classi = GPOINTER_TO_INT(classp);
pdb = pdata->data;
- if (class != -1 && class != pdb->bin_class)
+ if (classi != -1 && classi != pdb->bin_class)
/* Not showing this binary class. */
-.TH SIGROK\-CLI 1 "May 04, 2014"
+.TH SIGROK\-CLI 1 "October 22, 2018"
sigrok\-cli \- Command-line client for the sigrok software
.B "\-V, \-\-version"
-.B sigrok-cli
+.B sigrok\-cli
version and the versions of libraries used.
-.B "\-L, \-\-list-supported"
+.B "\-L, \-\-list\-supported"
Show information about supported hardware drivers, input file
formats, output file formats, and protocol decoders.
\fB\-d, \-\-driver\fP <drivername>
A driver must always be selected (unless doing a global scan). Use the
-\fB-V\fP option to get a list of available drivers.
+.BR "\-L " ( "\-\-list-supported" ")"
+option to get a list of available drivers.
Drivers can take options, in the form \fBkey=value\fP
separated by colons.
specified as the \fBconn\fP option. For example, to use the
Openbench Logic Sniffer:
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=ols:conn=/dev/ttyACM0"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=ols:conn=/dev/ttyACM0" " [...]"
Some USB devices don't use a unique VendorID/ProductID combination, and thus
need that specified as well. This also uses the \fBconn\fP option, using
either \fBVendorID.ProductID\fP or \fBbus.address\fP:
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=uni-t-ut61e:conn=1a86.e008"
+USB \fBVendorID.ProductID\fP example:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=uni\-t\-ut61e:conn=1a86.e008" " [...]"
+USB \fBbus.address\fP example:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=uni\-t\-ut61e:conn=4.6" " [...]"
-.BR "\-c, \-\-config " <device>
+.BR "\-c, \-\-config " <deviceoption>
A colon-separated list of device options, where each option takes the form
.BR key=value .
For example, to set the samplerate to 1MHz on a device supported by the
fx2lafw driver, you might specify
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver=fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1m"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-d fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1m" " [...]"
Samplerate is an option common to most logic analyzers. The argument specifies
the samplerate in Hz. You can also specify the samplerate in kHz, MHz or GHz.
The following are all equivalent:
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1000000"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-d fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1000000" " [...]"
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1m"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-d fx2lafw \-\-config samplerate=1m" " [...]"
-.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver fx2lafw \-\-config \(dqsamplerate=1 MHz\(dq"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-d fx2lafw \-\-config \(dqsamplerate=1 MHz\(dq" " [...]"
.BR "\-i, \-\-input\-file " <filename>
-Load input from a file instead of a hardware device. If the
+Load input from a file instead of a hardware device. You can specify
+"-" to use stdin as input. If the
.B \-\-input\-format
-option is not supplied, sigrok-cli attempts to autodetect the file format of
+option is not supplied, sigrok\-cli attempts to autodetect the file format of
the input file.
+Example for loading a sigrok session file:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-i" " [...]"
+Example for loading a WAV file (autodetection of input format):
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-i example.wav" " [...]
+Example for loading a VCD file from stdin (autodetection of input format):
+.RB " $ " "cat example.vcd | sigrok\-cli \-i \-" " [...]
.BR "\-I, \-\-input\-format " <format>
When loading an input file, assume it's in the specified format. If this
option is not supplied (in addition to
.BR \-\-input\-file ),
sigrok-cli attempts to autodetect the file format of the input file. Use the
-.B \-V
+.BR "\-L " ( "\-\-list\-supported" ")"
option to see a list of available input formats.
The format name may optionally be followed by a colon-separated list of
options, where each option takes the form
.BR "key=value" .
+Example for loading a binary file with options:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-i example.bin"
+.BR " \-I binary:numchannels=4:samplerate=1mhz" " [...]"
.BR "\-o, \-\-output\-file " <filename>
Save output to a file instead of writing it to stdout. The default format
.B \-\-output\-format
+Example for saving data in the sigrok session format:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli " "[...] " "\-o"
-.BR "\-O, \-\-output\-format " <formatname>
+.BR "\-O, \-\-output\-format " <format>
Set the output format to use. Use the
-.B \-V
+.BR "\-L " ( "\-\-list\-supported" ")"
option to see a list of available output formats.
The format name may optionally be followed by a colon-separated list of
options, where each option takes the form
.BR "key=value" .
-Supported formats currently include
-.BR bits ,
-.BR hex ,
-.BR ascii ,
-.BR binary ,
-.BR vcd ,
-.BR ols ,
-.BR gnuplot ,
-.BR chronovu-la8 ,
-.BR csv ", and"
-.BR analog .
+For example, the
.B bits
.B hex
formats, for an ASCII bit or ASCII hexadecimal display, can take a "width" option, specifying the number of samples (in bits) to display per line. Thus
-.B hex:width=128
+.B "\-O hex:width=128"
will display 128 bits per line, in hexadecimal:
0:ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
0:11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 [...]
1:11111111 00000000 11111111 00000000 [...]
+Example for saving data in the CSV format with options:
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli " "[...] " "\-o example.csv \-O csv:dedup:header=false"
+Notice that boolean options are \fBtrue\fP when no value gets specified.
.BR "\-C, \-\-channels " <channellist>
A comma-separated list of channels to be used in the session.
Note that sigrok always names the channels according to how they're shown on
-the enclosure of the hardware. If your logic analyzer numbers the channels 0-15,
+the enclosure of the hardware. If your logic analyzer numbers the channels 0\-15,
that's how you must specify them with this option. An oscilloscope's channels
would generally be referred to as "CH1", "CH2", and so on.
Use the \fB\-\-show\fP option to see a list of channel names for your device.
.BR "MISO" .
.BR "\-g, \-\-channel\-group "<channel\ group>
-Specify the channel group to operate on.
-Some devices organize channels into groups, the settings of which can
-only be changed as a group. The list of channel groups, if any, is displayed
-with the \fB\-\-show\fP command.
+Specify the channel group to operate on. Some devices organize channels into
+groups, the settings of which can only be changed as a group. The list of
+channel groups, if any, is displayed with the \fB\-\-show\fP command.
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-g CH1" " [...]"
+.RB " $ " "sigrok\-cli \-d demo \-g Logic \-c pattern=graycode" " [...]"
.BR "\-t, \-\-triggers " <triggerlist>
A comma-separated list of triggers to use, of the form
Not every device supports all of these trigger types. Use the \fB\-\-show\fP
command to see which triggers your device supports.
-.BR "\-w, \-\-wait-trigger"
+.BR "\-w, \-\-wait\-trigger"
Don't output any sample data (even if it's actually received from the
hardware) before the trigger condition is met. In other words, do not output
any pre-trigger data. This option is useful if you don't care about the data
This option allows the user to specify a comma-separated list of protocol
decoders to be used in this session. The decoders are specified by their
ID, as shown in the
-.B \-\-version
+.BR "\-L " ( "\-\-list\-supported" ")"
protocol decoder. Additionally, the user tells sigrok to decode the SPI
protocol using channel 1 as MISO signal for SPI, channel 5 as MOSI, channel 3
as CLK, and channel 0 as CS# signal.
+Notice that the
+.B sigrok\-cli
+application does not support "name matching". Instead it's assumed that the
+traces in the input stream match the order of the decoder's input signals,
+or that users explicitly specify the input channel to decoder signal mapping.
+When multiple decoders are specified in the same
+.BR -P
+option, they will be stacked on top of each other in the specified order.
+ $
+.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,eeprom24xx"
+ $
+.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P uart:baudrate=31250,midi"
+When multiple
+.BR -P
+options are specified, each of them creates one decoder stack, which
+executes in parallel to other decoder stacks.
+ $
+.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P uart:tx=D0:rx=D1 \-P timing:data=D2"
.BR "\-A, \-\-protocol\-decoder\-annotations " <annotations>
By default, only the stack's topmost protocol decoder's annotation output is
display, by specifying its ID:
-.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,i2cfilter,edid -A i2c"
+.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,i2cfilter,edid \-A i2c"
If a protocol decoder has multiple annotations, you can also specify
which one of them to show by specifying its short description like this:
.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,i2cfilter,edid"
-.B " \-A i2c=data-read"
+.B " \-A i2c=data\-read"
Select multiple annotations by separating them with a colon:
.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,i2cfilter,edid"
-.B " \-A i2c=data-read:data-write"
+.B " \-A i2c=data\-read:data\-write"
You can also select multiple protocol decoders, with an optional selected
annotation each, by separating them with commas:
.B "sigrok\-cli \-i <> \-P i2c,i2cfilter,edid"
-.B " \-A i2c=data-read:data-write,edid"
+.B " \-A i2c=data\-read:data\-write,edid"
.BR "\-M, \-\-protocol\-decoder\-meta " <pdname>
When given, show protocol decoder meta output instead of annotations.
Not every decoder generates binary output.
+.BR "\-\-protocol\-decoder\-samplenum
+When given, decoder annotations will include sample numbers, too.
+This allows consumers to receive machine readable timing information.
.BR "\-l, \-\-loglevel " <level>
-Set the libsigrok and libsigrokdecode loglevel. At the moment \fBsigrok-cli\fP
+Set the libsigrok and libsigrokdecode loglevel. At the moment \fBsigrok\-cli\fP
doesn't support setting the two loglevels independently. The higher the
number, the more debug output will be printed. Valid loglevels are:
The following devices were found:
- demo - Demo device with 12 channels: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 A3
+ demo \- Demo device with 12 channels: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 A3
- fx2lafw:conn=3.26 - CWAV USBee SX with 8 channels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ fx2lafw:conn=3.26 \- CWAV USBee SX with 8 channels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
However, not all devices are auto-detectable (e.g. serial port based ones).
For those you'll have to provide a \fBconn\fP option, see above.
-.B "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver digitek-dt4000zc:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 \-\-scan
+.B "sigrok\-cli \-\-driver digitek\-dt4000zc:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 \-\-scan
The following devices were found:
#include <glib.h>
#include "sigrok-cli.h"
-#define BUFSIZE (16 * 1024)
+#define CHUNK_SIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024)
static void load_input_file_module(void)
int fd;
ssize_t len;
char *mod_id;
+ gboolean is_stdin;
if (!sr_input_list())
g_critical("No supported input formats available.");
mod_id = g_hash_table_lookup(mod_args, "sigrok_key");
+ is_stdin = strcmp(opt_input_file, "-") == 0;
fd = 0;
- buf = g_string_sized_new(BUFSIZE);
+ buf = g_string_sized_new(CHUNK_SIZE);
if (mod_id) {
/* User specified an input module to use. */
if (!(imod = sr_input_find(mod_id)))
if (mod_args)
- if ((fd = open(opt_input_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+ if (!is_stdin && (fd = open(opt_input_file, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
g_critical("Failed to load %s: %s.", opt_input_file,
} else {
- if (strcmp(opt_input_file, "-")) {
+ if (!is_stdin) {
* An actual filename: let the input modules try to
* identify the file.
* Taking input from a pipe: let the input modules try
* to identify the stream content.
- if (!strcmp(opt_input_file, "-")) {
+ if (is_stdin) {
/* stdin */
fd = 0;
} else {
- if ((fd = open(opt_input_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+ fd = open(opt_input_file, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd == -1)
g_critical("Failed to load %s: %s.", opt_input_file,
- if ((len = read(fd, buf->str, BUFSIZE)) < 1)
+ if ((len = read(fd, buf->str, CHUNK_SIZE)) < 1)
g_critical("Failed to read %s: %s.", opt_input_file,
buf->len = len;
g_critical("Error: no input module found for this file.");
sr_session_new(sr_ctx, &session);
- sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, &datafeed_in, NULL);
+ sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, &datafeed_in, session);
got_sdi = FALSE;
while (TRUE) {
g_string_truncate(buf, 0);
- len = read(fd, buf->str, BUFSIZE);
+ len = read(fd, buf->str, CHUNK_SIZE);
if (len < 0)
g_critical("Read failed: %s", g_strerror(errno));
if (len == 0)
main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
- sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, datafeed_in, NULL);
+ sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, datafeed_in, session);
if ((devargs = parse_generic_arg(opt_config, FALSE)))
set_dev_options(sdi, devargs);
- else devargs = NULL;
+ else
+ devargs = NULL;
if ((ret = maybe_config_get(driver, sdi, cg, ci->key, &gvar)) != SR_OK)
g_critical("Failed to get '%s': %s", opt_get, sr_strerror(ret));
gchar *opt_pd_annotations = NULL;
gchar *opt_pd_meta = NULL;
gchar *opt_pd_binary = NULL;
+gboolean opt_pd_samplenum = FALSE;
gchar *opt_input_format = NULL;
gchar *opt_output_format = NULL;
"Protocol decoder meta output to show", NULL},
{"protocol-decoder-binary", 'B', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, &check_opt_pd_binary,
"Protocol decoder binary output to show", NULL},
+ {"protocol-decoder-samplenum", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_pd_samplenum,
+ "Show sample numbers in decoder output", NULL},
{"scan", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_scan_devs,
"Scan for devices", NULL},
"Number of frames to acquire", NULL},
{"continuous", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_continuous,
"Sample continuously", NULL},
- {"get", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, &check_opt_get, "Get device option only", NULL},
+ {"get", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, &check_opt_get, "Get device options only", NULL},
{"set", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_set, "Set device options only", NULL},
{NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}
GHashTable *fmtargs, *fmtopts;
char *fmtspec;
- if (!opt_transform_module)
- opt_transform_module = "nop";
fmtargs = parse_generic_arg(opt_transform_module, TRUE);
fmtspec = g_hash_table_lookup(fmtargs, "sigrok_key");
if (!fmtspec)
g_critical("Failed to initialize output module.");
/* Set up backup analog output module. */
- oa = sr_output_new(sr_output_find("analog"), NULL, sdi, NULL);
+ if (outfile)
+ oa = sr_output_new(sr_output_find("analog"), NULL,
+ sdi, NULL);
rcvd_samples_logic = rcvd_samples_analog = 0;
if (o && !opt_pds) {
if (sr_output_send(o, packet, &out) == SR_OK) {
- if (!out || (out->len == 0
- && !opt_output_format
- && packet->type == SR_DF_ANALOG)) {
+ if (oa && !out) {
* The user didn't specify an output module,
* but needs to see this analog data.
o = NULL;
- sr_output_free(oa);
+ if (oa)
+ sr_output_free(oa);
oa = NULL;
if (outfile && outfile != stdout)
struct sr_trigger *trigger;
struct sr_dev_inst *sdi;
uint64_t min_samples, max_samples;
- GArray *dev_opts;
+ GArray *drv_opts;
guint i;
int is_demo_dev;
struct sr_dev_driver *driver;
driver = sr_dev_inst_driver_get(sdi);
- if (!(dev_opts = sr_dev_options(driver, sdi, NULL))) {
- g_critical("Failed to query list device options.");
+ if (!(drv_opts = sr_dev_options(driver, NULL, NULL))) {
+ g_critical("Failed to query list of driver options.");
is_demo_dev = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < dev_opts->len; i++) {
- if (g_array_index(dev_opts, uint32_t, i) == SR_CONF_DEMO_DEV)
+ for (i = 0; i < drv_opts->len; i++) {
+ if (g_array_index(drv_opts, uint32_t, i) == SR_CONF_DEMO_DEV)
is_demo_dev = 1;
- g_array_free(dev_opts, TRUE);
+ g_array_free(drv_opts, TRUE);
if (!is_demo_dev)
real_devices = g_slist_append(real_devices, sdi);
+ /* This is unlikely to happen but it makes static analyzers stop complaining. */
+ if (!devices) {
+ g_critical("No real devices found.");
+ return;
+ }
sdi = devices->data;
sr_session_new(sr_ctx, &session);
- sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, datafeed_in, NULL);
+ sr_session_datafeed_callback_add(session, datafeed_in, session);
if (sr_dev_open(sdi) != SR_OK) {
g_critical("Failed to open device.");
if (opt_frames) {
if ((sr_parse_sizestring(opt_frames, &limit_frames) != SR_OK)) {
- g_critical("Invalid sample limit '%s'.", opt_samples);
+ g_critical("Invalid frame limit '%s'.", opt_frames);
- if (!(t = setup_transform_module(sdi)))
- g_critical("Failed to initialize transform module.");
+ if (opt_transform_module) {
+ if (!(t = setup_transform_module(sdi)))
+ g_critical("Failed to initialize transform module.");
+ }
main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
#define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT_NOFILE "bits:width=64"
-#define SAVE_CHUNK_SIZE (512 * 1024)
/* main.c */
extern struct sr_context *sr_ctx;
int select_channels(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi);
-gboolean config_key_has_cap(struct sr_dev_driver *driver,
- const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, struct sr_channel_group *cg,
- uint32_t key, uint32_t capability);
int maybe_config_get(struct sr_dev_driver *driver,
const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, struct sr_channel_group *cg,
uint32_t key, GVariant **gvar);
int opt_to_gvar(char *key, char *value, struct sr_config *src);
int set_dev_options(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, GHashTable *args);
void run_session(void);
-void save_chunk_logic(struct sr_session *session, uint8_t *data,
- uint64_t data_len, int unitsize);
/* input.c */
void load_input_file(void);
extern gchar *opt_pd_annotations;
extern gchar *opt_pd_meta;
extern gchar *opt_pd_binary;
+extern gboolean opt_pd_samplenum;
extern gchar *opt_input_format;
extern gchar *opt_output_format;