return SR_OK;
+/* Helpers for "column processing". */
+static int split_column_format(const char *spec,
+ size_t *column_count, enum single_col_format *format, size_t *bit_count)
+ size_t count;
+ char *endp, format_char;
+ enum single_col_format format_code;
+ if (!spec || !*spec)
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ /* Get the (optional, decimal, default 1) column count. */
+ endp = NULL;
+ count = strtoul(spec, &endp, 10);
+ if (!endp)
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ if (endp == spec)
+ count = 1;
+ if (column_count)
+ *column_count = count;
+ spec = endp;
+ /* Get the (mandatory, single letter) type spec (-/xob/l). */
+ format_char = *spec++;
+ switch (format_char) {
+ case '-': /* Might conflict with number-parsing. */
+ case '/':
+ format_char = '-';
+ format_code = FORMAT_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ format_code = FORMAT_HEX;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ format_code = FORMAT_OCT;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'l':
+ format_code = FORMAT_BIN;
+ break;
+ default: /* includes NUL */
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ }
+ if (format)
+ *format = format_code;
+ /* Get the (optional, decimal, default 1) bit count. */
+ endp = NULL;
+ count = strtoul(spec, &endp, 10);
+ if (!endp)
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ if (endp == spec)
+ count = 1;
+ if (format_char == '-')
+ count = 0;
+ if (format_char == 'l')
+ count = 1;
+ if (bit_count)
+ *bit_count = count;
+ spec = endp;
+ /* Input spec must have been exhausted. */
+ if (*spec)
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ return SR_OK;
+static int make_column_details_from_format(struct context *inc,
+ const char *column_format)
+ char **formats, *format;
+ size_t format_count, column_count, bit_count;
+ size_t format_idx, c, b, column_idx, channel_idx;
+ enum single_col_format f;
+ struct column_details *detail;
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * Default to "all single-bit logic in each column" (which is
+ * the former multi-column mode).
+ */
+ if (!column_format || !*column_format) {
+ sr_dbg("Missing columns format, assuming multi-column mode.");
+ column_format = "0l";
+ }
+ /* Split the input spec, count involved columns and bits. */
+ formats = g_strsplit(column_format, ",", 0);
+ if (!formats) {
+ sr_err("Cannot parse columns format %s (comma split).", column_format);
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ }
+ format_count = g_strv_length(formats);
+ if (!format_count) {
+ sr_err("Cannot parse columns format %s (field count).", column_format);
+ g_strfreev(formats);
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ }
+ column_count = bit_count = 0;
+ for (format_idx = 0; format_idx < format_count; format_idx++) {
+ format = formats[format_idx];
+ ret = split_column_format(format, &c, &f, &b);
+ sr_dbg("fmt %s -> %zu cols, %s fmt, %zu bits, rc %d", format, c, col_format_text[f], b, ret);
+ if (ret != SR_OK) {
+ sr_err("Cannot parse columns format %s (field split, %s).", column_format, format);
+ g_strfreev(formats);
+ return SR_ERR_ARG;
+ }
+ column_count += c;
+ bit_count += c * b;
+ }
+ sr_dbg("Column format %s -> %zu columns, %zu logic channels.",
+ column_format, column_count, bit_count);
+ /* Allocate and fill in "column processing" details. */
+ inc->column_want_count = column_count;
+ inc->column_details = g_malloc0_n(column_count, sizeof(inc->column_details[0]));
+ column_idx = channel_idx = 0;
+ for (format_idx = 0; format_idx < format_count; format_idx++) {
+ format = formats[format_idx];
+ (void)split_column_format(format, &c, &f, &b);
+ while (c-- > 0) {
+ detail = &inc->column_details[column_idx++];
+ detail->col_nr = column_idx;
+ detail->text_format = f;
+ if (detail->text_format) {
+ detail->channel_offset = channel_idx;
+ detail->channel_count = b;
+ channel_idx += b;
+ }
+ sr_dbg("detail -> col %zu, fmt %s, ch off/cnt %zu/%zu",
+ detail->col_nr, col_format_text[detail->text_format],
+ detail->channel_offset, detail->channel_count);
+ }
+ }
+ inc->logic_channels = channel_idx;
+ g_strfreev(formats);
+ return SR_OK;
static int make_column_details_single(struct context *inc,
size_t col_nr, size_t bit_count, enum single_col_format format)
* column count here (when the user omitted the spec), and will
* derive it from the first text line of the input file.
- if (single_column && inc->logic_channels) {
+ s = g_variant_get_string(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "column-formats"), NULL);
+ if (s && *s) {
+ ret = make_column_details_from_format(inc, s);
+ if (ret != SR_OK)
+ return ret;
+ } else if (single_column && inc->logic_channels) {
sr_dbg("DIAG Got single column (%zu) and channels (%zu).",
single_column, inc->logic_channels);
sr_dbg("DIAG -> column %zu, %zu bits in %s format.",
enum option_index {
static struct sr_option options[] = {
+ [OPT_COL_FMTS] = { "column-formats", "Column format specs", "Specifies text columns data types: comma separated list of [<cols>]<fmt>[<bits>]", NULL, NULL },
[OPT_SINGLE_COL] = { "single-column", "Single column", "Enable single-column mode, using the specified column (>= 1); 0: multi-col. mode", NULL, NULL },
[OPT_NUM_LOGIC] = { "numchannels", "Number of logic channels", "The number of (logic) channels (single-col. mode: number of bits beginning at 'first channel', LSB-first)", NULL, NULL },
[OPT_DELIM] = { "delimiter", "Column delimiter", "The column delimiter (>= 1 characters)", NULL, NULL },
GSList *l;
if (!options[0].def) {
+ options[OPT_COL_FMTS].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string("0l"));
options[OPT_SINGLE_COL].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_uint32(0));
options[OPT_NUM_LOGIC].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_uint32(0));
options[OPT_DELIM].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string(","));