For now, start the "DOS box" in the sigrok-cli installation directory,
so that the firmware files and decoder files are found correctly.
We'll probably use another solution that sets %PATH% later on, though.
Thanks to Peter Newman for bringing up this issue.
# Create a shortcut for sigrok-cli (this merely opens a "DOS box").
# Set the working directory (where the user will be placed into when
- # the DOS box starts) to the user's Desktop directory.
- SetOutPath "$DESKTOP"
+ # the DOS box starts) to the installation directory.
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@\sigrok command-line tool.lnk" \
"$SYSDIR\cmd.exe" \
"/K echo For instructions run @PACKAGE_NAME@ --help." \