--- /dev/null
+## This file is part of the sigrok-util project.
+## Copyright (C) 2020 Florian Schmidt <schmidt_florian@gmx.de>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import struct
+import codecs
+import importlib.util
+# reuse parseelf.py module from saleae-logic16:
+fwdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+parseelf_py = os.path.join(fwdir, "saleae-logic16", "parseelf.py")
+spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("parseelf", parseelf_py)
+parseelf = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+class qt_resources(object):
+ def __init__(self, program):
+ self._elf = parseelf.elf(program)
+ self._elf_sections = {} # idx -> data
+ self._read_resources()
+ def _get_elf_section(self, idx):
+ s = self._elf_sections.get(idx)
+ if s is None:
+ shdr = self._elf.shdrs[idx]
+ s = self._elf.read_section(shdr), shdr
+ self._elf_sections[idx] = s
+ return s
+ def _get_elf_sym_value(self, sname):
+ sym = self._elf.symtab[sname]
+ section, shdr = self._get_elf_section(sym["st_shndx"])
+ addr = sym["st_value"] - shdr["sh_addr"]
+ value = section[addr:addr + sym["st_size"]]
+ if len(value) != sym["st_size"]:
+ print("warning: symbol %s should be %d bytes, but in section is only %d bytes" % (
+ sname, sym["st_size"], len(value)))
+ return value
+ # qt resource stuff:
+ def _get_resource_name(self, offset):
+ length, i = struct.unpack(">HI", self._res_names[offset:offset + 2 + 4])
+ offset += 2 + 4
+ name = self._res_names[offset:offset + 2 * length].decode("utf-16be")
+ return name
+ def _get_resource_data(self, offset):
+ length = struct.unpack(">I", self._res_datas[offset:offset + 4])[0]
+ offset += 4
+ return self._res_datas[offset:offset + length]
+ def _read_resources(self):
+ RCCFileInfo_Directory = 0x02
+ def read_table():
+ table = []
+ offset = 0
+ while offset < len(self._res_struct):
+ name_offset, flags = struct.unpack(">IH", self._res_struct[offset:offset+4+2])
+ offset += 6
+ name = self._get_resource_name(name_offset)
+ if flags & RCCFileInfo_Directory:
+ child_count, first_child_offset = struct.unpack(">II", self._res_struct[offset:offset + 4 + 4])
+ offset += 4 + 4
+ table.append((name, flags, child_count, first_child_offset))
+ else:
+ country, language, data_offset = struct.unpack(">HHI", self._res_struct[offset:offset + 2 + 2 + 4])
+ offset += 2 + 2 + 4
+ table.append((name, flags, country, language, data_offset))
+ return table
+ def read_dir_entries(table, which, parents=[]):
+ name, flags = which[:2]
+ if not flags & RCCFileInfo_Directory:
+ raise Exception("not a directory!")
+ child_count, first_child = which[2:]
+ for i in range(child_count):
+ child = table[first_child + i]
+ if child[1] & RCCFileInfo_Directory:
+ read_dir_entries(table, child, parents + [child[0]])
+ else:
+ country, language, data_offset = child[2:]
+ full_name = "/".join(parents + [child[0]])
+ self._resources[full_name] = data_offset
+ self._res_datas = self._get_elf_sym_value("_ZL16qt_resource_data")
+ self._res_names = self._get_elf_sym_value("_ZL16qt_resource_name")
+ self._res_struct = self._get_elf_sym_value("_ZL18qt_resource_struct")
+ self._resources = {} # res_fn -> res_offset
+ table = read_table()
+ read_dir_entries(table, table[0])
+ def get_resource(self, res_fn):
+ offset = self._resources[res_fn]
+ data = self._get_resource_data(offset)
+ return data
+ def find_resource_names(self, res_fn_re):
+ for key in self._resources.keys():
+ m = re.match(res_fn_re, key)
+ if m is not None:
+ yield key
+class res_writer(object):
+ def __init__(self, res):
+ self.res = res
+ def _write_file(self, fn, data, decoder=None):
+ if decoder is not None:
+ data = decoder(data)
+ with open(fn, "wb") as fp:
+ fp.write(data)
+ print("saved %d bytes to %s" % (len(data), fn))
+ def extract(self, res_fn, out_fn, decoder=None):
+ self._write_file(out_fn, self.res.get_resource(res_fn), decoder=decoder)
+ def extract_re(self, res_fn_re, out_fn, decoder=None):
+ for res_fn in res.find_resource_names(res_fn_re):
+ fn = re.sub(res_fn_re, out_fn, res_fn).lower()
+ self._write_file(fn, self.res.get_resource(res_fn), decoder=decoder)
+def decode_intel_hex(hexdata):
+ """ return list of (address, data)
+ """
+ datas = []
+ # assume \n or \r\n*
+ for line in hexdata.split(b"\n"):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if chr(line[0]) != ":": raise Exception("invalid line: %r" % line)
+ offset = 1
+ record = codecs.decode(line[offset:], "hex")
+ byte_count, address, record_type = struct.unpack(">BHB", record[:1 + 2 + 1])
+ offset = 1 + 2 + 1
+ if byte_count > 0:
+ data = record[offset:offset + byte_count]
+ offset += byte_count
+ checksum = record[offset]
+ ex_checksum = (~sum(record[:offset]) + 1) & 0xff
+ if ex_checksum != checksum: raise Exception("invalid checksum %#x in %r" % (checksum, line))
+ if record_type == 0:
+ datas.append((address, data))
+ elif record_type == 1:
+ break
+ return datas
+def intel_hex_as_blob(hexdata):
+ """ return continuous bytes sequence including all data
+ (loosing start address here)
+ """
+ data = decode_intel_hex(hexdata)
+ data.sort()
+ last = data[-1]
+ length = last[0] + len(last[1])
+ img = bytearray(length)
+ for off, part in data:
+ img[off:off + len(part)] = part
+ return img
+def maybe_intel_hex_as_blob(data):
+ if data[0] == ord(":") and max(data) < 127:
+ return intel_hex_as_blob(data)
+ return data # keep binary data
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print("sigrok-fwextract-kingst-la2016 <programfile>")
+ sys.exit()
+ res = qt_resources(sys.argv[1])
+ writer = res_writer(res)
+ writer.extract("fwfpga/LA2016A", "kingst-la2016a-fpga.bitstream")
+ writer.extract_re(r"fwusb/fw(.*)", r"kingst-la-\1.fw", decoder=maybe_intel_hex_as_blob)
--- /dev/null
+.TH SIGROK\-FWEXTRACT\-KINGST\-LA2016 1 "Mar 21, 2020"
+sigrok\-fwextract\-kingst\-la2016 \- Extract Kingst LA2016 firmware
+.B sigrok\-fwextract\-kingst\-la2016 [FILE]
+This tool extracts FX2 firmware and FPGA bitstreams from the vendor
+software for the Kingst LA2016 USB logic analyzer. Download the Linux
+version from[1], and unpack it to find the main binary called "KingstVIS".
+In order to extract the firmware/bitstreams, run the following command:
+.B " $ tar -xzf KingstVIS_v3.4.0.tar.gz KingstVIS/KingstVIS"
+.B " $ sigrok-fwextract-kingst-la2016 KingstVIS/KingstVIS"
+.RB " saved 177666 bytes to kingst-la2016a-fpga.bitstream
+.RB " saved 5350 bytes to kingst-la-01a1.fw"
+.RB " saved 5430 bytes to kingst-la-01a2.fw"
+.RB " saved 5718 bytes to kingst-la-01a3.fw"
+.RB " saved 142412 bytes to kingst-la-01a4.fw"
+.RB " saved 5452 bytes to kingst-la-03a1.fw"
+Copy the resulting files over to the location where libsigrok expects
+to find its firmware files. By default this is
+.BR /usr/local/share/sigrok-firmware .
+Exits with 0 on success, 1 on most failures.
+Please report any bugs via Bugzilla
+.RB "(" http://sigrok.org/bugzilla ")"
+or on the sigrok\-devel mailing list
+.RB "(" sigrok\-devel@lists.souceforge.net ")."
+This program is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL),
+version 3 or later.
+Please see the individual source code files.
+.IP " 1." 4
+Vendor website
+.RS 4
+.RB http://www.qdkingst.com/download
+\%MD5 of v3.4.0: ca407133cb83b700983d2b704a4255c2