--- /dev/null
+HUB75 led matrix
+This is an example capture of a 32x32 pixel 1/16 scan "normally addressed"
+HUB75 LED matrix. The matrix is being driven by a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with
+https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix at 12 PWM bits per color.
+The A, B, C and D lines are address lines that select two rows at a time that
+can have LEDs on. Address 0 selects rows 0 and 16, address 2 selects row
+1 and 17, and so on.
+R1, G1 and B1 lines are binary data on the different color LEDs on the first
+line and R2, G2 and B2 for the second line. The data is clocked into constant
+current driver chips that act like 74595 shift registers.
+It is possible to build bigger displays by chaining the data to more panels.
+Logic analyzer setup
+The logic analyzer used was a DreamSourceLab DSLogic Plus (at 100MHz):
+ Probe HUB75 signal
+ ------------------------
+ 0 CLK
+ 1 #OE
+ 3 no connection
+ 4 A
+ 5 B
+ 6 C
+ 7 D
+ 8 R1
+ 9 G1
+ 10 B1
+ 11 no connection
+ 12 R2
+ 13 G2
+ 14 B2
+ 15 no connection