- "Accepts a dictionary with the following keys: startsample, endsample, data"
+ "Put an annotation for the specified span of samples.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Arguments: start and end sample number, stream id, annotation data.\n"
+ "Annotation data's layout depends on the output stream type."
static PyObject *Decoder_put(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- "Register a new output stream"
+ "Register a new output stream."
static PyObject *Decoder_register(PyObject *self,
- "Wait for one or more conditions to occur"
+ "Wait for one or more conditions to occur.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Returns the sample data at the next position where the condition\n"
+ "is seen. When the optional condition is missing or empty, the next\n"
+ "sample number is used. The condition can be a dictionary with one\n"
+ "condition's details, or a list of dictionaries specifying multiple\n"
+ "conditions of which at least one condition must be true. Dicts can\n"
+ "contain one or more key/value pairs, all of which must be true for\n"
+ "the dict's condition to be considered true. The key either is a\n"
+ "channel index or a keyword, the value is the operation's parameter.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Supported parameters for channel number keys: 'h', 'l', 'r', 'f',\n"
+ "or 'e' for level or edge conditions. Other supported keywords:\n"
+ "'skip' to advance over the given number of samples.\n"
static PyObject *Decoder_wait(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- "Report whether a channel was supplied"
+ "Check whether input data is supplied for a given channel.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Argument: A channel index.\n"
+ "Returns: A boolean, True if the channel is connected,\n"
+ "False if the channel is open (won't see any input data).\n"