static const int hwcaps[] = {
int ret;
+ struct dev_context *devc;
+ devc = sdi->priv;
if (sdi->status != SR_ST_ACTIVE)
return SR_ERR;
ret = SR_OK;
+ {
+ uint64_t slope = *(const uint64_t *)value;
+ if (slope != SLOPE_NEGATIVE && slope != SLOPE_POSITIVE)
+ {
+ sr_err("Invalid trigger slope");
+ ret = SR_ERR_ARG;
+ } else {
+ devc->trigger_slope = slope;
+ ret = SR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ float pos = *(const float *)value;
+ if (pos < 0 || pos > 255) {
+ sr_err("Trigger position (%f) should be between 0 and 255.", pos);
+ ret = SR_ERR_ARG;
+ } else {
+ int trigger_pos = (int)pos;
+ printf("Set trigger posion to %X\n", trigger_pos&0xff);
+ devc->trigger_holdoff[0] = trigger_pos&0xff;
+ ret = SR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
ret = SR_OK;
return SR_ERR;
- /*
- * Enable/disable channel groups in the flag register according to the
- * probe mask. Calculate this here, because num_channels is needed
- * to limit readcount.
- */
- //changrp_mask = 0;
- //num_channels = 0;
- //for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // if (devc->probe_mask & (0xff << (i * 8))) {
- // changrp_mask |= (1 << i);
- // num_channels++;
- // }
- //}
/* FIXME: No need to do full reconfigure every time */
// ret = mso_reset_fsm(sdi);
// if (ret != SR_OK)
if (ret != SR_OK)
return ret;
printf("Configure trigger\n");
ret = mso_configure_trigger(sdi);
if (ret != SR_OK)
return ret;
- /* FIXME: trigger_position */
/* END of config hardware part */
- /* with trigger */
- printf("arm\n");
- ret = mso_arm(sdi);
- if (ret != SR_OK)
- return ret;
- /* without trigger */
-// ret = mso_force_capture(sdi);
-// if (ret != SR_OK)
-// return ret;
+ ret = mso_arm(sdi);
+ if (ret != SR_OK)
+ return ret;
/* Start acquisition on the device. */
printf("Check trigger\n");
return SR_OK;
-/* TODO: This stops acquisition on ALL devices, ignoring dev_index. */
+/* This stops acquisition on ALL devices, ignoring dev_index. */
static int hw_dev_acquisition_stop(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi, void *cb_data)
/* Avoid compiler warnings. */
SR_PRIV int mso_configure_trigger(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi)
struct dev_context *devc = sdi->priv;
- uint16_t ops[16];
- uint16_t dso_trigger = mso_calc_raw_from_mv(devc);
+ uint16_t threshold_value = mso_calc_raw_from_mv(devc);
- dso_trigger &= 0x3ff;
- if ((!devc->trigger_slope && devc->trigger_chan == 1) ||
- (devc->trigger_slope &&
- (devc->trigger_chan == 0 ||
- devc->trigger_chan == 2 ||
- devc->trigger_chan == 3)))
- dso_trigger |= 0x400;
- switch (devc->trigger_chan) {
- case 1:
- dso_trigger |= 0xe000;
- case 2:
- dso_trigger |= 0x4000;
- break;
- case 3:
- dso_trigger |= 0x2000;
- break;
- case 4:
- dso_trigger |= 0xa000;
- break;
- case 5:
- dso_trigger |= 0x8000;
- break;
- default:
- case 0:
- break;
- }
+ threshold_value = 0x153C;
+ uint8_t trigger_config = 0;
+ if (devc->trigger_slope)
+ trigger_config |= 0x04; //Trigger on falling edge
switch (devc->trigger_outsrc) {
case 1:
- dso_trigger |= 0x800;
+ trigger_config |= 0x00; //Trigger pulse output
case 2:
- dso_trigger |= 0x1000;
+ trigger_config |= 0x08; //PWM DAC from the pattern generator buffer
case 3:
- dso_trigger |= 0x1800;
+ trigger_config |= 0x18; //White noise
- ops[0] = mso_trans(5, devc->la_trigger);
- ops[1] = mso_trans(6, devc->la_trigger_mask);
- ops[2] = mso_trans(3, dso_trigger & 0xff);
- ops[3] = mso_trans(4, (dso_trigger >> 8) & 0xff);
- ops[4] = mso_trans(11,
+ switch (devc->trigger_chan) {
+ case 0:
+ trigger_config |= 0x00; //DSO level trigger //b00000000
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ trigger_config |= 0x20; //DSO level trigger & width < trigger_width
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ trigger_config |= 0x40; //DSO level trigger & width >= trigger_width
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ trigger_config |= 0x60; //LA combination trigger
+ break;
+ }
+ //Last bit of trigger config reg 4 needs to be 1 for trigger enable,
+ //otherwise the trigger is not enabled
+ if (devc->use_trigger)
+ trigger_config |= 0x80;
+ uint16_t ops[18];
+ ops[0] = mso_trans(3, threshold_value & 0xff);
+ //The trigger_config also holds the 2 MSB bits from the threshold value
+ ops[1] = mso_trans(4, trigger_config | (threshold_value >> 8) & 0x03);
+ ops[2] = mso_trans(5, devc->la_trigger);
+ ops[3] = mso_trans(6, devc->la_trigger_mask);
+ ops[4] = mso_trans(7, devc->trigger_holdoff[0]);
+ ops[5] = mso_trans(8, devc->trigger_holdoff[1]);
+ ops[6] = mso_trans(11,
devc->dso_trigger_width / SR_HZ_TO_NS(devc->cur_rate));
/* Select the SPI/I2C trigger config bank */
- ops[5] = mso_trans(REG_CTL2, (devc->ctlbase2 | BITS_CTL2_BANK(2)));
+ ops[7] = mso_trans(REG_CTL2, (devc->ctlbase2 | BITS_CTL2_BANK(2)));
/* Configure the SPI/I2C protocol trigger */
- ops[6] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(0), devc->protocol_trigger.word[0]);
- ops[7] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(1), devc->protocol_trigger.word[1]);
- ops[8] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(2), devc->protocol_trigger.word[2]);
- ops[9] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(3), devc->protocol_trigger.word[3]);
- ops[10] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(0), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[0]);
- ops[11] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(1), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[1]);
- ops[12] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(2), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[2]);
- ops[13] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(3), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[3]);
- ops[14] = mso_trans(REG_PT_SPIMODE, devc->protocol_trigger.spimode);
+ ops[8] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(0), devc->protocol_trigger.word[0]);
+ ops[9] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(1), devc->protocol_trigger.word[1]);
+ ops[10] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(2), devc->protocol_trigger.word[2]);
+ ops[11] = mso_trans(REG_PT_WORD(3), devc->protocol_trigger.word[3]);
+ ops[12] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(0), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[0]);
+ ops[13] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(1), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[1]);
+ ops[14] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(2), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[2]);
+ ops[15] = mso_trans(REG_PT_MASK(3), devc->protocol_trigger.mask[3]);
+ ops[16] = mso_trans(REG_PT_SPIMODE, devc->protocol_trigger.spimode);
/* Select the default config bank */
- ops[15] = mso_trans(REG_CTL2, devc->ctlbase2);
+ ops[17] = mso_trans(REG_CTL2, devc->ctlbase2);
return mso_send_control_message(devc->serial, ARRAY_AND_SIZE(ops));
int ret;
sr_dbg("Requesting trigger state.");
- printf("Send Controll message\n");
ret = mso_send_control_message(serial, ARRAY_AND_SIZE(ops));
if (info == NULL || ret != SR_OK)
return ret;
- printf("REad buffer\n");
uint8_t buf = 0;
if (serial_read(serial, &buf, 1) != 1) /* FIXME: Need timeout */
ret = SR_ERR;
* to read the data */
if (devc->trigger_state != MSO_TRIGGER_DATAREADY) {
devc->trigger_state = in[0];
- printf("Got %c for trigger \n", in[0]);
+ //printf("Got %c for trigger \n", in[0]);
if (devc->trigger_state == MSO_TRIGGER_DATAREADY) {
- printf("Trigger is ready %c\n", MSO_TRIGGER_DATAREADY);
+ //printf("Trigger is ready %c\n", MSO_TRIGGER_DATAREADY);
devc->buffer_n = 0;
} else {
SR_PRIV int mso_configure_probes(const struct sr_dev_inst *sdi)
struct dev_context *devc;
struct sr_probe *probe;
GSList *l;
int probe_bit, stage, i;
char *tc;
- /*
devc = sdi->priv;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES; i++) {
- devc->la_trigger_mask[i] = 0;
- devc->la_trigger[i] = 0;
- }
- stage = -1;
+ devc->la_trigger_mask = 0xFF; //the mask for the LA_TRIGGER (bits set to 0 matter, those set to 1 are ignored).
+ devc->la_trigger = 0x00; //The value of the LA byte that generates a trigger event (in that mode).
+ devc->dso_trigger_voltage = 3;
+ devc->dso_probe_attn = 1;
+ devc->trigger_outsrc = 0;
+ devc->trigger_chan = 3; //LA combination trigger
+ devc->use_trigger = FALSE;
for (l = sdi->probes; l; l = l->next) {
probe = (struct sr_probe *)l->data;
if (probe->enabled == FALSE)
- //if (probe->index > 7)
- // devc->sample_wide = TRUE;
- probe_bit = 1 << (probe->index);
+ int probe_bit = 1 << (probe->index);
if (!(probe->trigger))
+ devc->use_trigger = TRUE;
//Configure trigger mask and value.
- stage = 0;
for (tc = probe->trigger; *tc; tc++) {
- devc->trigger_mask[stage] |= probe_bit;
- if (*tc == '1')
- devc->trigger_value[stage] |= probe_bit;
- stage++;
- if (stage > NUM_TRIGGER_STAGES)
- return SR_ERR;
- }
- }
- */
- //if (stage == -1)
- // /*
- // * We didn't configure any triggers, make sure acquisition
- // * doesn't wait for any.
- // */
- // devc->trigger_stage = TRIGGER_FIRED;
- //else
- // devc->trigger_stage = 0;
+ devc->la_trigger_mask &= ~probe_bit;
+ if (*tc == '1')
+ devc->la_trigger |= probe_bit;
+ }
+ }
return SR_OK;