unit_str = self.format_unit(unit)
mqflags_str = self.format_mqflags(mqflags)
- disp = ' '.join([value_str, unit_str, mqflags_str])
+ # The display role is a tuple containing the value and the unit/flags.
+ disp = (value_str, ' '.join([unit_str, mqflags_str]))
item.setData(disp, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
class MultimeterDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate):
fm = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self._bfont)
r = fm.boundingRect('-XX.XXXXXX X XX')
- self._size = QtCore.QSize(r.width() * 1.2, r.height() * 3.5)
+ self._size = QtCore.QSize(r.width() * 1.4, r.height() * 3.5)
+ # Values used to calculate the positions of the strings in the
+ # 'paint()' function.
+ self._space_width = fm.boundingRect('_').width()
+ self._value_width = fm.boundingRect('-XX.XXXXXX').width()
def sizeHint(self, option=None, index=None):
return self._size
def paint(self, painter, options, index):
- value = index.data(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
+ value, unit = index.data(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
desc = index.data(MeasurementDataModel.descRole)
# description in the top left corner
p += QtCore.QPoint(self._nfontheight, 2 * self._nfontheight)
painter.drawText(p, desc)
- # value in the center
- r = options.rect.adjusted(self._nfontheight, 2.5 * self._nfontheight,
- 0, 0)
- painter.drawText(r, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, value)
+ # value about in the center
+ p = options.rect.center()
+ p += QtCore.QPoint(-3 * self._space_width, self._nfontheight)
+ rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self._value_width, 2 * self._nfontheight)
+ rect.moveCenter(p)
+ painter.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignRight, value)
+ # unit right of the value
+ rect.moveLeft(rect.right())
+ rect.adjust(self._space_width, 0, 0, 0)
+ painter.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, unit)