Sat Jul 27 2024 05:39:14 CEST
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1690 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- signal / decoder arrangement not preserved 2021-06-13
1841 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Request: Add auto-save while capturing 2023-04-16
753 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- QFileDialog is broken in regards to file extensions 2017-02-25
1230 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- PV crashes when a session refers to an imported file that no longer exists 2018-10-08
1681 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Pulseview crashes if a CSV file is changed between openings of the application 2021-05-08
493 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- PulseView could show info about the currently open .sr file 2019-12-29
1215 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Properly handle session structure when using reset() on file devices 2018-06-03
1877 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Opening a vcd generated by verilator crashes the program 2023-07-26
1732 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Import fails and export hangs if non-ANSI characters are present in the path 2021-09-02
1640 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Error while saving: invalid argument 2023-09-12
1731 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- CSV import: hangup if non-numeric data are present in the file 2021-09-02
1847 PulseVie File han nobody CONF --- Cannot save sessions 2023-05-04
12 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "File handling" component of the "PulseView" product