Sat Jul 27 2024 03:06:51 CEST
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1830 libsigro Driver: nobody UNCO --- OLS device driver exits prematurely when waiting for data 2023-02-12
137 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Intermittent device not found when using RLE. 2013-08-11
260 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- ols drivers causes pulseview to lock up 2018-06-15
638 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Windows: Multiple ols acquisitions in a row (or any acquisitions) usually don't work 2023-05-06
1025 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Can't connect to Open Workbench Logic Sniffer 2020-08-29
1136 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- PulseView doesn't work with BusPirate 2018-12-30
1287 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Add metadata defaults for the Logic Pirate device 2018-09-25
1465 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- driver should reflect detected devices' capabilities 2019-12-27
1466 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- synchronize libsigrok's ols driver to the jawi PC client for OLS 2019-12-27
1467 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- merge redundant OLS driver implementations into a common driver 2019-12-27
1490 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- openbench-logic-sniffer TCP/IP support 2021-01-03
1597 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Random write drop on serial made ols compatible hardware unusable 2020-09-03
12 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Driver: openbench-logic-sniffer" component of the "libsigrok" product