Sat Jul 27 2024 01:34:18 CEST
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1156 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- No data when only the second channel is selected 2018-04-12
1320 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- 6022BL logic analyzer mode does not display any signal on the channel pins 2021-10-08
1487 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- hantek-6xxx driver loses samples on 12MB boundary 2021-01-18
1514 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Hantek 6022BE / 6022BL not accurate 2020-03-05
1884 libsigro Driver: nobody CONF --- Hantek 6022BE keeps sampling at 24MHz when requesting 48MHz 2023-08-17
5 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Driver: hantek-6xxx" component of the "libsigrok" product