Current project status

The last releases have been quite some time ago, so I would like to make a quick announcement to let you know that this project is still actively maintained. Unfortunately, the chip shortage that resulted from the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020 affected multiple sigrok contributors, forcing them to reduce the amount of work they could provide to the project. This, combined with changes in personal circumstances of the core project members, lead to a loss in momentum that you may have noticed. During that time, Gerhard Sittig continued development despite not being a core member, for which I would like to express my sincere appreciation.

Currently, the sigrok project is still short of core developers but I'm trying to get new releases out the door as soon as possible. My priority is to get all pending code submissions reviewed, tested and merged - quite some work has piled up over time but it would feel wrong to perform a release without first trying to incorporate as many of these pending submissions as possible.

As always, the nightly builds are the recommended downloads and if you do find something broken there, feel free to let us know either on IRC, github or the mailing list. The bug tracker (bugzilla) has been overrun with spam bots so unfortunately I had no choice but to disable sign-up for the time being. If you're aware of a working anti-spam extension for bugzilla or a simple replacement, please get in touch as well, as I'd love to hear about it.
