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A Qt-based sigrok GUI
exprtk::details Namespace Reference




struct  add_op
struct  and_op
struct  asn_addassignment
struct  asn_assignment
class  assignment_node
class  assignment_op_node
class  assignment_rebasevec_celem_node
class  assignment_rebasevec_celem_op_node
class  assignment_rebasevec_elem_node
class  assignment_rebasevec_elem_op_node
class  assignment_string_node
class  assignment_string_range_node
class  assignment_vec_elem_node
class  assignment_vec_elem_op_node
class  assignment_vec_node
class  assignment_vec_op_node
class  assignment_vecvec_node
class  assignment_vecvec_op_node
struct  base_operation_t
class  binary_ext_node
class  binary_node
class  bipow_node
class  bipowninv_node
class  boc_base_node
class  boc_node
class  bov_base_node
class  bov_node
class  break_exception
class  break_node
class  build_string
struct  cis_match
struct  cleanup_branches
class  cob_base_node
class  cob_node
struct  collector_helper
class  conditional_node
class  conditional_string_node
class  cons_conditional_node
class  cons_conditional_str_node
class  const_string_range_node
struct  construct_branch_pair
struct  construct_branch_pair< T, D, true >
class  continue_exception
class  continue_node
class  cov_base_node
class  cov_node
struct  cs_match
struct  div_op
struct  eq_op
struct  equal_op
class  expression_node
class  for_loop_bc_node
class  for_loop_node
class  function_N_node
class  function_N_node< T, IFunction, 0 >
struct  functor_t
class  generic_function_node
class  generic_string_range_node
struct  gt_op
struct  gte_op
struct  ilesscompare
struct  ilike_op
struct  in_op
struct  inrange_op
class  ipow_node
class  ipowinv_node
struct  is_const
struct  is_const< const T >
struct  is_const_ref
struct  is_const_ref< const T & >
struct  is_ref
struct  is_ref< const T & >
struct  is_ref< T & >
class  ivariable
struct  like_op
class  literal_node
struct  lt_op
struct  lte_op
struct  mod_op
struct  mul_op
class  multi_switch_node
class  multimode_genfunction_node
class  multimode_strfunction_node
struct  nand_op
struct  ne_op
class  node_allocator
struct  nodetype_T0oT1
struct  nodetype_T0oT1oT2
struct  nodetype_T0oT1oT2oT3
struct  nor_op
class  null_eq_node
class  null_igenfunc
class  null_node
struct  or_op
struct  param_to_str
struct  param_to_str< 0 >
struct  pow_op
class  quaternary_node
struct  range_data_type
class  range_interface
struct  range_pack
class  rebasevector_celem_node
class  rebasevector_elem_node
class  repeat_until_loop_bc_node
class  repeat_until_loop_node
class  return_envelope_node
class  return_exception
class  return_node
class  scand_node
class  scor_node
class  sf3_var_node
class  sf3ext_type_node
class  sf4_node
class  sf4_var_node
struct  sf_base
class  sos_base_node
class  sos_node
class  sosos_base_node
class  sosos_node
class  str_sogens_node
class  str_vararg_node
class  str_xoxr_node
class  str_xrox_node
class  str_xroxr_node
class  string_base_node
class  string_concat_node
class  string_function_node
class  string_literal_node
class  string_range_node
class  string_size_node
class  stringvar_node
class  stringvar_size_node
struct  sub_op
class  swap_generic_node
class  swap_genstrings_node
class  swap_node
class  swap_string_node
class  swap_vecvec_node
class  switch_n_node
class  switch_node
class  T0oT1
struct  T0oT1_define
class  T0oT1oT2
struct  T0oT1oT20T3process
class  T0oT1oT2_base_node
struct  T0oT1oT2_define
class  T0oT1oT2_sf3
class  T0oT1oT2_sf3ext
class  T0oT1oT2oT3
class  T0oT1oT2oT3_base_node
struct  T0oT1oT2oT3_define
class  T0oT1oT2oT3_sf4
class  T0oT1oT2oT3_sf4ext
struct  T0oT1oT2process
class  trinary_node
class  unary_branch_node
class  unary_node
class  unary_variable_node
class  unary_vector_node
class  uv_base_node
class  uvouv_node
struct  vararg_add_op
struct  vararg_avg_op
class  vararg_function_node
struct  vararg_mand_op
struct  vararg_max_op
struct  vararg_min_op
struct  vararg_mor_op
struct  vararg_mul_op
struct  vararg_multi_op
class  vararg_node
class  vararg_varnode
class  variable_node
struct  vec_add_op
struct  vec_avg_op
class  vec_binop_valvec_node
class  vec_binop_vecval_node
class  vec_binop_vecvec_node
class  vec_data_store
struct  vec_max_op
struct  vec_min_op
struct  vec_mul_op
class  vector_assignment_node
class  vector_elem_node
class  vector_holder
class  vector_interface
class  vector_node
class  vectorize_node
class  vob_base_node
class  vob_node
class  voc_base_node
class  voc_node
class  vov_base_node
class  vov_node
class  while_loop_bc_node
class  while_loop_node
struct  xnor_op
struct  xor_op


typedef unsigned char uchar_t
typedef char char_t
typedef uchar_tuchar_ptr
typedef char_tchar_ptr
typedef uchar_t const * uchar_cptr
typedef char_t const * char_cptr
typedef unsigned long long int _uint64_t
typedef long long int _int64_t


enum  operator_type {
  e_default, e_null, e_add, e_sub,
  e_mul, e_div, e_mod, e_pow,
  e_atan2, e_min, e_max, e_avg,
  e_sum, e_prod, e_lt, e_lte,
  e_eq, e_equal, e_ne, e_nequal,
  e_gte, e_gt, e_and, e_nand,
  e_or, e_nor, e_xor, e_xnor,
  e_mand, e_mor, e_scand, e_scor,
  e_shr, e_shl, e_abs, e_acos,
  e_acosh, e_asin, e_asinh, e_atan,
  e_atanh, e_ceil, e_cos, e_cosh,
  e_exp, e_expm1, e_floor, e_log,
  e_log10, e_log2, e_log1p, e_logn,
  e_neg, e_pos, e_round, e_roundn,
  e_root, e_sqrt, e_sin, e_sinc,
  e_sinh, e_sec, e_csc, e_tan,
  e_tanh, e_cot, e_clamp, e_iclamp,
  e_inrange, e_sgn, e_r2d, e_d2r,
  e_d2g, e_g2d, e_hypot, e_notl,
  e_erf, e_erfc, e_ncdf, e_frac,
  e_trunc, e_assign, e_addass, e_subass,
  e_mulass, e_divass, e_modass, e_in,
  e_like, e_ilike, e_multi, e_smulti,
  e_swap, e_sf00 = 1000, e_sf01 = 1001, e_sf02 = 1002,
  e_sf03 = 1003, e_sf04 = 1004, e_sf05 = 1005, e_sf06 = 1006,
  e_sf07 = 1007, e_sf08 = 1008, e_sf09 = 1009, e_sf10 = 1010,
  e_sf11 = 1011, e_sf12 = 1012, e_sf13 = 1013, e_sf14 = 1014,
  e_sf15 = 1015, e_sf16 = 1016, e_sf17 = 1017, e_sf18 = 1018,
  e_sf19 = 1019, e_sf20 = 1020, e_sf21 = 1021, e_sf22 = 1022,
  e_sf23 = 1023, e_sf24 = 1024, e_sf25 = 1025, e_sf26 = 1026,
  e_sf27 = 1027, e_sf28 = 1028, e_sf29 = 1029, e_sf30 = 1030,
  e_sf31 = 1031, e_sf32 = 1032, e_sf33 = 1033, e_sf34 = 1034,
  e_sf35 = 1035, e_sf36 = 1036, e_sf37 = 1037, e_sf38 = 1038,
  e_sf39 = 1039, e_sf40 = 1040, e_sf41 = 1041, e_sf42 = 1042,
  e_sf43 = 1043, e_sf44 = 1044, e_sf45 = 1045, e_sf46 = 1046,
  e_sf47 = 1047, e_sf48 = 1048, e_sf49 = 1049, e_sf50 = 1050,
  e_sf51 = 1051, e_sf52 = 1052, e_sf53 = 1053, e_sf54 = 1054,
  e_sf55 = 1055, e_sf56 = 1056, e_sf57 = 1057, e_sf58 = 1058,
  e_sf59 = 1059, e_sf60 = 1060, e_sf61 = 1061, e_sf62 = 1062,
  e_sf63 = 1063, e_sf64 = 1064, e_sf65 = 1065, e_sf66 = 1066,
  e_sf67 = 1067, e_sf68 = 1068, e_sf69 = 1069, e_sf70 = 1070,
  e_sf71 = 1071, e_sf72 = 1072, e_sf73 = 1073, e_sf74 = 1074,
  e_sf75 = 1075, e_sf76 = 1076, e_sf77 = 1077, e_sf78 = 1078,
  e_sf79 = 1079, e_sf80 = 1080, e_sf81 = 1081, e_sf82 = 1082,
  e_sf83 = 1083, e_sf84 = 1084, e_sf85 = 1085, e_sf86 = 1086,
  e_sf87 = 1087, e_sf88 = 1088, e_sf89 = 1089, e_sf90 = 1090,
  e_sf91 = 1091, e_sf92 = 1092, e_sf93 = 1093, e_sf94 = 1094,
  e_sf95 = 1095, e_sf96 = 1096, e_sf97 = 1097, e_sf98 = 1098,
  e_sf99 = 1099, e_sffinal = 1100, e_sf4ext00 = 2000, e_sf4ext01 = 2001,
  e_sf4ext02 = 2002, e_sf4ext03 = 2003, e_sf4ext04 = 2004, e_sf4ext05 = 2005,
  e_sf4ext06 = 2006, e_sf4ext07 = 2007, e_sf4ext08 = 2008, e_sf4ext09 = 2009,
  e_sf4ext10 = 2010, e_sf4ext11 = 2011, e_sf4ext12 = 2012, e_sf4ext13 = 2013,
  e_sf4ext14 = 2014, e_sf4ext15 = 2015, e_sf4ext16 = 2016, e_sf4ext17 = 2017,
  e_sf4ext18 = 2018, e_sf4ext19 = 2019, e_sf4ext20 = 2020, e_sf4ext21 = 2021,
  e_sf4ext22 = 2022, e_sf4ext23 = 2023, e_sf4ext24 = 2024, e_sf4ext25 = 2025,
  e_sf4ext26 = 2026, e_sf4ext27 = 2027, e_sf4ext28 = 2028, e_sf4ext29 = 2029,
  e_sf4ext30 = 2030, e_sf4ext31 = 2031, e_sf4ext32 = 2032, e_sf4ext33 = 2033,
  e_sf4ext34 = 2034, e_sf4ext35 = 2035, e_sf4ext36 = 2036, e_sf4ext37 = 2037,
  e_sf4ext38 = 2038, e_sf4ext39 = 2039, e_sf4ext40 = 2040, e_sf4ext41 = 2041,
  e_sf4ext42 = 2042, e_sf4ext43 = 2043, e_sf4ext44 = 2044, e_sf4ext45 = 2045,
  e_sf4ext46 = 2046, e_sf4ext47 = 2047, e_sf4ext48 = 2048, e_sf4ext49 = 2049,
  e_sf4ext50 = 2050, e_sf4ext51 = 2051, e_sf4ext52 = 2052, e_sf4ext53 = 2053,
  e_sf4ext54 = 2054, e_sf4ext55 = 2055, e_sf4ext56 = 2056, e_sf4ext57 = 2057,
  e_sf4ext58 = 2058, e_sf4ext59 = 2059, e_sf4ext60 = 2060, e_sf4ext61 = 2061


bool is_whitespace (const char_t c)
bool is_operator_char (const char_t c)
bool is_letter (const char_t c)
bool is_digit (const char_t c)
bool is_letter_or_digit (const char_t c)
bool is_left_bracket (const char_t c)
bool is_right_bracket (const char_t c)
bool is_bracket (const char_t c)
bool is_sign (const char_t c)
bool is_invalid (const char_t c)
void case_normalise (std::string &s)
bool imatch (const char_t c1, const char_t c2)
bool imatch (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
bool is_valid_sf_symbol (const std::string &symbol)
const char_tfront (const std::string &s)
const char_tback (const std::string &s)
std::string to_str (int i)
std::string to_str (std::size_t i)
bool is_hex_digit (const std::string::value_type digit)
uchar_t hex_to_bin (uchar_t h)
template<typename Iterator >
void parse_hex (Iterator &itr, Iterator end, std::string::value_type &result)
void cleanup_escapes (std::string &s)
bool is_reserved_word (const std::string &symbol)
bool is_reserved_symbol (const std::string &symbol)
bool is_base_function (const std::string &function_name)
bool is_control_struct (const std::string &cntrl_strct)
bool is_logic_opr (const std::string &lgc_opr)
template<typename Iterator , typename Compare >
bool match_impl (const Iterator pattern_begin, const Iterator pattern_end, const Iterator data_begin, const Iterator data_end, const typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type &zero_or_more, const typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type &zero_or_one)
bool wc_match (const std::string &wild_card, const std::string &str)
bool wc_imatch (const std::string &wild_card, const std::string &str)
bool sequence_match (const std::string &pattern, const std::string &str, std::size_t &diff_index, char_t &diff_value)
template<typename T >
compute_pow10 (T d, const int exponent)
template<typename Iterator , typename T >
bool string_to_type_converter_impl_ref (Iterator &itr, const Iterator end, T &result)
template<typename Iterator , typename T >
static bool parse_nan (Iterator &itr, const Iterator end, T &t)
template<typename Iterator , typename T >
static bool parse_inf (Iterator &itr, const Iterator end, T &t, bool negative)
template<typename Iterator , typename T >
bool string_to_real (Iterator &itr_external, const Iterator end, T &t, numeric::details::real_type_tag)
template<typename T >
bool string_to_real (const std::string &s, T &t)
std::string to_str (const operator_type opr)
void dump_ptr (const std::string &, const void *)
void dump_ptr (const std::string &, const void *, const std::size_t)
template<typename T >
bool is_generally_string_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
bool is_true (const double v)
bool is_true (const long double v)
bool is_true (const float v)
template<typename T >
bool is_true (const std::complex< T > &v)
template<typename T >
bool is_true (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_false (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_unary_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_neg_unary_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_binary_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_variable_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_ivariable_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_vector_elem_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_rebasevector_elem_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_rebasevector_celem_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_vector_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_ivector_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_constant_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_null_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_break_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_continue_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_swap_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_function (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_return_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_negate_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool branch_deletable (expression_node< T > *node)
template<std::size_t N, typename T >
bool all_nodes_valid (expression_node< T > *(&b)[N])
template<typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
bool all_nodes_valid (const Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &b)
template<std::size_t N, typename T >
bool all_nodes_variables (expression_node< T > *(&b)[N])
template<typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
bool all_nodes_variables (Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &b)
template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T , std::size_t N>
void free_all_nodes (NodeAllocator &node_allocator, expression_node< T > *(&b)[N])
template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
void free_all_nodes (NodeAllocator &node_allocator, Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &b)
template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T >
void free_node (NodeAllocator &node_allocator, expression_node< T > *&node, const bool force_delete=false)
template<typename T >
void destroy_node (expression_node< T > *&node)
template<std::size_t N, typename T >
void init_branches (std::pair< expression_node< T > *, bool >(&branch)[N], expression_node< T > *b0, expression_node< T > *b1=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b2=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b3=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b4=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b5=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b6=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b7=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b8=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0), expression_node< T > *b9=reinterpret_cast< expression_node< T > * >(0))
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
axn (T a, T x)
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
axnb (T a, T x, T b)
 define_sfop3 (00,(x+y)/z,"(t+t)/t") define_sfop3(01
x y t t *t define_sfop3 (02,(x+y)-z,"(t+t)-t") define_sfop3(03
x y t t *t x y t t t define_sfop3 (04,(x-y)+z,"(t-t)+t") define_sfop3(05
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t define_sfop3 (06,(x-y)*z,"(t-t)*t") define_sfop3(07
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t define_sfop3 (08,(x *y)-z,"(t*t)-t") define_sfop3(09
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t define_sfop3 (10,(x *y)*z,"(t*t)*t") define_sfop3(11
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t define_sfop3 (12,(x/y)-z,"(t/t)-t") define_sfop3(13
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t define_sfop3 (14,(x/y)*z,"(t/t)*t") define_sfop3(15
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x (y+z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t t (t+t)") define_sfop3(16
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x (y-z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t t (t-t)") define_sfop3(17
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x (y *z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t t (t *t)") define_sfop3(18
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x (y/z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t t (t/t)") define_sfop3(19
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t define_sfop3 (20, x *(y-z),"t*(t-t)") define_sfop3(21
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t define_sfop3 (22, x *(y/z),"t*(t/t)") define_sfop3(23
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t axnb< T, 2 > (x, y, z))
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t define_sfop3 (32,(axnb< T, 3 >(x, y, z))," ") define_sfop3(33
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t axnb< T, 4 > (x, y, z))
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t define_sfop3 (34,(axnb< T, 5 >(x, y, z))," ") define_sfop3(35
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t axnb< T, 6 > (x, y, z))
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t define_sfop3 (36,(axnb< T, 7 >(x, y, z))," ") define_sfop3(37
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t axnb< T, 8 > (x, y, z))
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t define_sfop3 (38,(axnb< T, 9 >(x, y, z))," ") define_sfop3(39
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t x define_sfop3 (40, x *numeric::log(y)-z,"") define_sfop3(41
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t x x define_sfop3 (42, x *numeric::log10(y)-z,"") define_sfop3(43
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t x x x define_sfop3 (44, x *numeric::sin(y)-z,"") define_sfop3(45
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t x x x x define_sfop3 (46, x *numeric::cos(y)-z,"") define_sfop3(47
 exprtk_define_unary_op (abs) exprtk_define_unary_op(acos) exprtk_define_unary_op(acosh) exprtk_define_unary_op(asin) exprtk_define_unary_op(asinh) exprtk_define_unary_op(atan) exprtk_define_unary_op(atanh) exprtk_define_unary_op(ceil) exprtk_define_unary_op(cos) exprtk_define_unary_op(cosh) exprtk_define_unary_op(cot) exprtk_define_unary_op(csc) exprtk_define_unary_op(d2g) exprtk_define_unary_op(d2r) exprtk_define_unary_op(erf) exprtk_define_unary_op(erfc) exprtk_define_unary_op(exp) exprtk_define_unary_op(expm1) exprtk_define_unary_op(floor) exprtk_define_unary_op(frac) exprtk_define_unary_op(g2d) exprtk_define_unary_op(log) exprtk_define_unary_op(log10) exprtk_define_unary_op(log2) exprtk_define_unary_op(log1p) exprtk_define_unary_op(ncdf) exprtk_define_unary_op(neg) exprtk_define_unary_op(notl) exprtk_define_unary_op(pos) exprtk_define_unary_op(r2d) exprtk_define_unary_op(round) exprtk_define_unary_op(sec) exprtk_define_unary_op(sgn) exprtk_define_unary_op(sin) exprtk_define_unary_op(sinc) exprtk_define_unary_op(sinh) exprtk_define_unary_op(sqrt) exprtk_define_unary_op(tan) exprtk_define_unary_op(tanh) exprtk_define_unary_op(trunc) template< typename T > struct opr_base
template<typename T >
value (details::expression_node< T > *n)
template<typename T >
value (T *t)
 synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1 &, e_vov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const e_voc synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1 &, e_cov) synthesis_node_type_define(T0 &
const e_voc T1 e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(T0 &
const e_voc T1 e_none const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, T1 &, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const e_voc T1 e_none const e_none T1 e_none synthesis_node_type_define (T0 &, const T1 &, e_none) template< typename T
 synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1 &, const T2 &, e_vovov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const T1 const e_vovoc synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1, const T2 &, e_vocov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1 &, const T2, e_covoc) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov const const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1, const T2 &, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov const const e_none const const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (T0 &, T1 &, T2 &, e_none) template< typename T
 synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, e_vovovov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1 &, const T2, const T3 &, e_vovocov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &, e_covovov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1, const T2 &, const T3, e_vocovoc) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc synthesis_node_type_define (const T0 &, const T1, const T2, const T3 &, e_vococov) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1, const T2, const T3 &, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1 &, const T2, const T3, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none const const const e_none synthesis_node_type_define (const T0, const T1, const T2 &, const T3 &, e_none) synthesis_node_type_define(const T0 &
template<typename T >
bool is_sf3ext_node (const expression_node< T > *n)
template<typename T >
bool is_sf4ext_node (const expression_node< T > *n)
template<typename T >
bool is_vov_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_cov_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_voc_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_cob_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_boc_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_t0ot1ot2_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_t0ot1ot2ot3_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_uv_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_range_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_const_string_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_const_string_range_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_assignment_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_concat_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_function_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_condition_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_ccondition_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_string_vararg_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
template<typename T >
bool is_genricstring_range_node (const expression_node< T > *node)
void load_operations_map (std::multimap< std::string, details::base_operation_t, details::ilesscompare > &m)
template<typename Parser >
void disable_type_checking (Parser &p)


const std::string reserved_words []
static const std::size_t reserved_words_size = sizeof(reserved_words) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string reserved_symbols []
static const std::size_t reserved_symbols_size = sizeof(reserved_symbols) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string base_function_list []
static const std::size_t base_function_list_size = sizeof(base_function_list) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string logic_ops_list []
static const std::size_t logic_ops_list_size = sizeof(logic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string cntrl_struct_list []
static const std::size_t cntrl_struct_list_size = sizeof(cntrl_struct_list) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string arithmetic_ops_list []
static const std::size_t arithmetic_ops_list_size = sizeof(arithmetic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string assignment_ops_list []
static const std::size_t assignment_ops_list_size = sizeof(assignment_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)
const std::string inequality_ops_list []
static const std::size_t inequality_ops_list_size = sizeof(inequality_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)
static const double pow10 []
static const std::size_t pow10_size = sizeof(pow10) / sizeof(double)
x y * z
const T1
const e_voc T1 e_none const e_none T1 e_none T0
const T1 const T2
const T1 const T2 const T3

Class Documentation

class exprtk::details::continue_exception

Definition at line 6218 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::continue_exception:
struct exprtk::details::functor_t

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::functor_t< T >

Definition at line 2005 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::functor_t< T >:
Class Members
typedef T(* bfunc_t
typedef T(* qfunc_t
typedef T & RefType
typedef T(* tfunc_t
typedef const T & Type
typedef T(* ufunc_t
struct exprtk::details::is_const

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_const< T >

Definition at line 13584 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_const< T >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_const< const T >

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_const< const T >

Definition at line 13585 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_const< const T >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_const_ref

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_const_ref< T >

Definition at line 13586 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_const_ref< T >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_const_ref< const T & >

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_const_ref< const T & >

Definition at line 13587 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_const_ref< const T & >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_ref

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_ref< T >

Definition at line 13588 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_ref< T >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_ref< const T & >

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_ref< const T & >

Definition at line 13590 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_ref< const T & >:
Class Members
struct exprtk::details::is_ref< T & >

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::is_ref< T & >

Definition at line 13589 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::is_ref< T & >:
Class Members
class exprtk::details::return_exception

Definition at line 11898 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::return_exception:
struct exprtk::details::sf_base

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::sf_base< T >

Definition at line 9117 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::sf_base< T >:
Class Members
typedef bfunc_t binary_functor_t
typedef functor_t< T > functor_t
typedef qfunc_t quaternary_functor_t
typedef tfunc_t trinary_functor_t
typedef functor_t< T >::Type Type
typedef ufunc_t unary_functor_t
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1_define

template<typename T, typename T0, typename T1>
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1_define< T, T0, T1 >

Definition at line 14462 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::T0oT1_define< T, T0, T1 >:
Class Members
typedef T0oT1< T, T0, T1 > type0
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT20T3process

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT20T3process< T >

Definition at line 13645 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::T0oT1oT20T3process< T >:
Class Members
typedef bfunc_t bfunc_t
typedef functor_t< T > functor_t
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2_define

template<typename T, typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2_define< T, T0, T1, T2 >

Definition at line 14468 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2_define< T, T0, T1, T2 >:
Class Members
typedef T0oT1oT2_sf3< T, T0,
T1, T2 >
typedef sf3ext_type_node< T,
T0, T1, T2 >
typedef T0oT1oT2< T, T0, T1,
T2, typename T0oT1oT2process
< T >::mode0 >
typedef T0oT1oT2< T, T0, T1,
T2, typename T0oT1oT2process
< T >::mode1 >
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2oT3_define

template<typename T, typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2oT3_define< T, T0, T1, T2, T3 >

Definition at line 14477 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2oT3_define< T, T0, T1, T2, T3 >:
Class Members
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3_sf4< T, T0,
T1, T2, T3 >
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3< T, T0, T1,
T2, T3, typename
T0oT1oT20T3process< T >::mode0 >
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3< T, T0, T1,
T2, T3, typename
T0oT1oT20T3process< T >::mode1 >
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3< T, T0, T1,
T2, T3, typename
T0oT1oT20T3process< T >::mode2 >
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3< T, T0, T1,
T2, T3, typename
T0oT1oT20T3process< T >::mode3 >
typedef T0oT1oT2oT3< T, T0, T1,
T2, T3, typename
T0oT1oT20T3process< T >::mode4 >
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2process

template<typename T>
struct exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2process< T >

Definition at line 13602 of file exprtk.hpp.

Collaboration diagram for exprtk::details::T0oT1oT2process< T >:
Class Members
typedef bfunc_t bfunc_t
typedef functor_t< T > functor_t

Typedef Documentation

typedef long long int exprtk::details::_int64_t

Definition at line 93 of file exprtk.hpp.

typedef unsigned long long int exprtk::details::_uint64_t

Definition at line 92 of file exprtk.hpp.

Definition at line 91 of file exprtk.hpp.

Definition at line 89 of file exprtk.hpp.

Definition at line 87 of file exprtk.hpp.

Definition at line 90 of file exprtk.hpp.

Definition at line 88 of file exprtk.hpp.

typedef unsigned char exprtk::details::uchar_t

Definition at line 86 of file exprtk.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 4502 of file exprtk.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<std::size_t N, typename T >
bool exprtk::details::all_nodes_valid ( expression_node< T > *(&)  b[N])

Definition at line 5260 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
bool exprtk::details::all_nodes_valid ( const Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &  b)

Definition at line 5273 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<std::size_t N, typename T >
bool exprtk::details::all_nodes_variables ( expression_node< T > *(&)  b[N])

Definition at line 5284 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
bool exprtk::details::all_nodes_variables ( Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &  b)

Definition at line 5300 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T exprtk::details::axn ( a,

Definition at line 9103 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
T exprtk::details::axnb ( a,

Definition at line 9110 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::axnb< T, 2 > ( x  ,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::axnb< T, 4 > ( x  ,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::axnb< T, 6 > ( x  ,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::axnb< T, 8 > ( x  ,
const char_t& exprtk::details::back ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 258 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::branch_deletable ( expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5253 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exprtk::details::case_normalise ( std::string &  s)

Definition at line 168 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exprtk::details::cleanup_escapes ( std::string &  s)

Definition at line 337 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T exprtk::details::compute_pow10 ( d,
const int  exponent 

Definition at line 1631 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 00  ,
(x+y)/  z,
x y t t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 02  ,
(x+y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 04  ,
(x-y)+  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 06  ,
(x-y)*  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 08  ,
(x *y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 10  ,
(x *y)*  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 12  ,
(x/y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 14  ,
(x/y)*  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 20  ,
x y-z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 22  ,
x y/z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 32  ,
(axnb< T, 3 >(x, y, z))  ,
" "   
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 34  ,
(axnb< T, 5 >(x, y, z))  ,
" "   
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 36  ,
(axnb< T, 7 >(x, y, z))  ,
" "   
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 38  ,
(axnb< T, 9 >(x, y, z))  ,
" "   
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t x exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 40  ,
x *numeric::log(y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t x x exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 42  ,
x *numeric::log10(y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t x x x exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 44  ,
x *numeric::sin(y)-  z,
x y t t* t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t t x y t t t x y t t t x* y t* t t x* y t* t* t x x x x exprtk::details::define_sfop3 ( 46  ,
x *numeric::cos(y)-  z,
template<typename T >
void exprtk::details::destroy_node ( expression_node< T > *&  node)

Definition at line 5353 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Parser >
void exprtk::details::disable_type_checking ( Parser &  p)

Definition at line 18297 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exprtk::details::dump_ptr ( const std::string &  ,
const void *   

Definition at line 4654 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exprtk::details::dump_ptr ( const std::string &  ,
const void *  ,
const std::size_t   

Definition at line 4655 of file exprtk.hpp.

exprtk::details::exprtk_define_unary_op ( abs  )

Definition at line 12044 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T , std::size_t N>
void exprtk::details::free_all_nodes ( NodeAllocator &  node_allocator,
expression_node< T > *(&)  b[N] 

Definition at line 5314 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T , typename Allocator , template< typename, typename > class Sequence>
void exprtk::details::free_all_nodes ( NodeAllocator &  node_allocator,
Sequence< expression_node< T > *, Allocator > &  b 

Definition at line 5326 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename NodeAllocator , typename T >
void exprtk::details::free_node ( NodeAllocator &  node_allocator,
expression_node< T > *&  node,
const bool  force_delete = false 

Definition at line 5337 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

const char_t& exprtk::details::front ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 253 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uchar_t exprtk::details::hex_to_bin ( uchar_t  h)

Definition at line 304 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::imatch ( const char_t  c1,
const char_t  c2 

Definition at line 176 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::imatch ( const std::string &  s1,
const std::string &  s2 

Definition at line 181 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<std::size_t N, typename T >
void exprtk::details::init_branches ( std::pair< expression_node< T > *, bool >(&)  branch[N],
expression_node< T > *  b0,
expression_node< T > *  b1 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b2 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b3 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b4 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b5 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b6 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b7 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b8 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0),
expression_node< T > *  b9 = reinterpret_cast<expression_node<T>*>(0) 

Definition at line 5843 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_base_function ( const std::string &  function_name)

Definition at line 528 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_binary_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5126 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_boc_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15433 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_bracket ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 144 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_break_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5210 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_cob_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15427 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_const_string_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15469 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_const_string_range_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15475 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_constant_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5198 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_continue_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5216 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_control_struct ( const std::string &  cntrl_strct)

Definition at line 541 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_cov_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15415 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_digit ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 124 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_false ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5108 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_function ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5228 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_generally_string_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15523 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_genricstring_range_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15517 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_hex_digit ( const std::string::value_type  digit)

Definition at line 297 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_invalid ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 154 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_ivariable_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5138 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_ivector_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5174 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_left_bracket ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 134 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_letter ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 118 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_letter_or_digit ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 129 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_logic_opr ( const std::string &  lgc_opr)

Definition at line 554 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_neg_unary_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5120 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_negate_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5242 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_null_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5204 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_operator_char ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 103 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_rebasevector_celem_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5162 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_rebasevector_elem_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5156 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_reserved_symbol ( const std::string &  symbol)

Definition at line 515 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_reserved_word ( const std::string &  symbol)

Definition at line 502 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_return_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5234 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_right_bracket ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 139 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_sf3ext_node ( const expression_node< T > *  n)

Definition at line 14259 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_sf4ext_node ( const expression_node< T > *  n)

Definition at line 14444 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_sign ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 149 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_assignment_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15481 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_ccondition_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15505 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_concat_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15487 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_condition_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15499 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_function_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15493 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15457 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_range_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15463 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_string_vararg_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15511 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_swap_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5222 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_t0ot1ot2_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15439 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_t0ot1ot2ot3_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15445 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_true ( const double  v)

Definition at line 5080 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_true ( const long double  v)

Definition at line 5085 of file exprtk.hpp.

bool exprtk::details::is_true ( const float  v)

Definition at line 5090 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_true ( const std::complex< T > &  v)

Definition at line 5096 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_true ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5102 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_unary_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5114 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_uv_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15451 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_valid_sf_symbol ( const std::string &  symbol)

Definition at line 243 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_variable_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5132 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_vector_elem_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5150 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_vector_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 5168 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_voc_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15421 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::is_vov_node ( const expression_node< T > *  node)

Definition at line 15409 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::is_whitespace ( const char_t  c)

Definition at line 95 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exprtk::details::load_operations_map ( std::multimap< std::string, details::base_operation_t, details::ilesscompare > &  m)

Definition at line 15833 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator , typename Compare >
bool exprtk::details::match_impl ( const Iterator  pattern_begin,
const Iterator  pattern_end,
const Iterator  data_begin,
const Iterator  data_end,
const typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type &  zero_or_more,
const typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type &  zero_or_one 

Definition at line 584 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<typename Iterator >
void exprtk::details::parse_hex ( Iterator &  itr,
Iterator  end,
std::string::value_type &  result 

Definition at line 313 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator , typename T >
static bool exprtk::details::parse_inf ( Iterator &  itr,
const Iterator  end,
T &  t,
bool  negative 

Definition at line 1799 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator , typename T >
static bool exprtk::details::parse_nan ( Iterator &  itr,
const Iterator  end,
T &  t 

Definition at line 1766 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::sequence_match ( const std::string &  pattern,
const std::string &  str,
std::size_t &  diff_index,
char_t diff_value 

Definition at line 667 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator , typename T >
bool exprtk::details::string_to_real ( Iterator &  itr_external,
const Iterator  end,
T &  t,

Definition at line 1833 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename T >
bool exprtk::details::string_to_real ( const std::string &  s,
T &  t 

Definition at line 1994 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename Iterator , typename T >
bool exprtk::details::string_to_type_converter_impl_ref ( Iterator &  itr,
const Iterator  end,
T &  result 

Definition at line 1693 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1 ,
) const
const e_voc exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1 ,
const e_voc T1 e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1  ,
const e_voc T1 e_none const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
T1 ,
) const
const e_voc T1 e_none const e_none T1 e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( T0 ,
const T1 ,
exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1 ,
const T2 ,
) const
const T1 const e_vovoc exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1  ,
const T2 ,
) const
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1 ,
const T2  ,
) const
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov const const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1  ,
const T2 ,
) const
const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov const const e_none const const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( T0 ,
T1 ,
T2 ,
exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1 ,
const T2 ,
const T3 ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1 ,
const T2  ,
const T3 ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1 ,
const T2 ,
const T3 ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1  ,
const T2 ,
const T3  ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0 ,
const T1  ,
const T2  ,
const T3 ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1  ,
const T2  ,
const T3 ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1 ,
const T2  ,
const T3  ,
) const
const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none const const const e_none exprtk::details::synthesis_node_type_define ( const T0  ,
const T1  ,
const T2 ,
const T3 ,
) const
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::t ( t+  t)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::t ( t-  t)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::t ( t *  t)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::t ( t/  t)
std::string exprtk::details::to_str ( int  i)

Definition at line 263 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string exprtk::details::to_str ( std::size_t  i)

Definition at line 292 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string exprtk::details::to_str ( const operator_type  opr)

Definition at line 4574 of file exprtk.hpp.

template<typename T >
T exprtk::details::value ( details::expression_node< T > *  n)

Definition at line 12358 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename T >
T exprtk::details::value ( T *  t)

Definition at line 12364 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::wc_imatch ( const std::string &  wild_card,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 656 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool exprtk::details::wc_match ( const std::string &  wild_card,
const std::string &  str 

Definition at line 645 of file exprtk.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::x ( y+  z)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::x ( y-  z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::x ( y *  z)
x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t *t exprtk::details::x ( y/  z)

Variable Documentation

const std::string exprtk::details::arithmetic_ops_list[]
Initial value:
"+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^"

Definition at line 478 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::arithmetic_ops_list_size = sizeof(arithmetic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 483 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::assignment_ops_list[]
Initial value:
":=", "+=", "-=",
"*=", "/=", "%="

Definition at line 485 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::assignment_ops_list_size = sizeof(assignment_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 491 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::base_function_list[]
Initial value:
"abs", "acos", "acosh", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh",
"atan2", "avg", "ceil", "clamp", "cos", "cosh", "cot",
"csc", "equal", "erf", "erfc", "exp", "expm1", "floor",
"frac", "hypot", "iclamp", "like", "log", "log10", "log2",
"logn", "log1p", "mand", "max", "min", "mod", "mor", "mul",
"ncdf", "pow", "root", "round", "roundn", "sec", "sgn",
"sin", "sinc", "sinh", "sqrt", "sum", "swap", "tan", "tanh",
"trunc", "not_equal", "inrange", "deg2grad", "deg2rad",
"rad2deg", "grad2deg"

Definition at line 449 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::base_function_list_size = sizeof(base_function_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 462 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::cntrl_struct_list[]
Initial value:
"if", "switch", "for", "while", "repeat", "return"

Definition at line 471 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::cntrl_struct_list_size = sizeof(cntrl_struct_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 476 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::inequality_ops_list[]
Initial value:
"<", "<=", "==",
"=", "!=", "<>",
">=", ">"

Definition at line 493 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::inequality_ops_list_size = sizeof(inequality_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 500 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::logic_ops_list[]
Initial value:
"and", "nand", "nor", "not", "or", "xnor", "xor", "&", "|"

Definition at line 464 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::logic_ops_list_size = sizeof(logic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 469 of file exprtk.hpp.

const double exprtk::details::pow10[]
Initial value:
= {
1.0E+001, 1.0E+002, 1.0E+003, 1.0E+004,
1.0E+005, 1.0E+006, 1.0E+007, 1.0E+008,
1.0E+009, 1.0E+010, 1.0E+011, 1.0E+012,
1.0E+013, 1.0E+014, 1.0E+015, 1.0E+016

Definition at line 737 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::pow10_size = sizeof(pow10) / sizeof(double)

Definition at line 745 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::reserved_symbols[]
Initial value:
"abs", "acos", "acosh", "and", "asin", "asinh", "atan",
"atanh", "atan2", "avg", "break", "case", "ceil", "clamp",
"continue", "cos", "cosh", "cot", "csc", "default",
"deg2grad", "deg2rad", "equal", "erf", "erfc", "exp",
"expm1", "false", "floor", "for", "frac", "grad2deg",
"hypot", "iclamp", "if", "else", "ilike", "in", "inrange",
"like", "log", "log10", "log2", "logn", "log1p", "mand",
"max", "min", "mod", "mor", "mul", "ncdf", "nand", "nor",
"not", "not_equal", "null", "or", "pow", "rad2deg",
"repeat", "return", "root", "round", "roundn", "sec", "sgn",
"shl", "shr", "sin", "sinc", "sinh", "sqrt", "sum", "swap",
"switch", "tan", "tanh", "true", "trunc", "until", "var",
"while", "xnor", "xor", "&", "|"

Definition at line 430 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::reserved_symbols_size = sizeof(reserved_symbols) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 447 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::string exprtk::details::reserved_words[]
Initial value:
"break", "case", "continue", "default", "false", "for",
"if", "else", "ilike", "in", "like", "and", "nand", "nor",
"not", "null", "or", "repeat", "return", "shl", "shr",
"swap", "switch", "true", "until", "var", "while", "xnor",
"xor", "&", "|"

Definition at line 419 of file exprtk.hpp.

const std::size_t exprtk::details::reserved_words_size = sizeof(reserved_words) / sizeof(std::string)

Definition at line 428 of file exprtk.hpp.

const T1 const e_vovoc const T1 const T2 e_covov const const e_none const const e_none exprtk::details::T0

Definition at line 13779 of file exprtk.hpp.

const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none const exprtk::details::T1

Definition at line 13769 of file exprtk.hpp.

const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none const const const e_none const T1 const exprtk::details::T2

Definition at line 13791 of file exprtk.hpp.

const T1 const T2 const e_vovovoc const const T2 const T3 e_vocovov const T1 const const T3 e_covocov const T1 const T2 const e_covovoc const const const e_none const const T2 const e_none const const const e_none const T1 const const exprtk::details::T3

Definition at line 13813 of file exprtk.hpp.

x y t t *t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y t *t t x y t t t x y t t t x *y t *t t x *y * exprtk::details::z

Definition at line 9143 of file exprtk.hpp.