------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lisa/M USB HID example (USB Full-Speed and SPI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This capture is taken from the libopencm3 example for a USB HID device on the Paparazzi Lisa/M board. In this applicaton an SPI accellerometer is read and the values are transmitted on a USB IN endpoint as mouse movement. Details: http://libopencm3.org http://libopencm3.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=libopencm3/libopencm3;a=tree;f=examples/stm32/f1/lisa-m/usb_hid http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/User/LisaM Logic analyser setup -------------------- The capture was taken using the Openbench Logic Sniffer at a sample rate of 50MHz. Probe Signal --------------- 0 USB_DM 1 USB_DP 2 SPI_NCS 3 SPI_SCK 4 SPI_MOSI 5 SPI_MISO The command line used was: sigrok-cli -d 0:samplerate=50mhz:rle=on \ -p 1=USB_DM,2=USB_DP,3=SPI_NCS,4=SPI_SCK,5=SPI_MOSI,6=SPI_MISO \ --time=50ms -o lisa_m_usb_spi.sr The OLS can't actually capture 50ms, so it just captures as much as it can buffer. No triggering was used.