;; ;; This file is part of the sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw project. ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Ubixum, Inc. ;; ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;; .module DEV_DSCR ; Descriptor types DSCR_DEVICE_TYPE = 1 DSCR_CONFIG_TYPE = 2 DSCR_STRING_TYPE = 3 DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE = 4 DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE = 5 DSCR_DEVQUAL_TYPE = 6 ; Descriptor lengths DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN = 9 DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN = 7 ; Endpoint types ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL = 0 ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO = 1 ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK = 2 ENDPOINT_TYPE_INT = 3 .globl _dev_dscr, _dev_qual_dscr, _highspd_dscr, _fullspd_dscr, _dev_strings, _dev_strings_end .area DSCR_AREA (CODE) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptor ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _dev_dscr: .db dev_dscr_end - _dev_dscr .db DSCR_DEVICE_TYPE .dw 0x0002 ; USB 2.0 .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0xff ; Subclass (vendor specific) .db 0xff ; Protocol (vendor specific) .db 64 ; Max. EP0 packet size .dw VID ; Manufacturer ID .dw PID ; Product ID .dw 0x0000 ; Product version (0.00) .db 1 ; Manufacturer string index .db 2 ; Product string index .db 0 ; Serial number string index (none) .db 1 ; Number of configurations dev_dscr_end: ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device qualifier (for "other device speed") ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _dev_qual_dscr: .db dev_qualdscr_end - _dev_qual_dscr .db DSCR_DEVQUAL_TYPE .dw 0x0002 ; USB 2.0 .db 0 ; Class (0) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 0 ; Protocol (0) .db 64 ; Max. EP0 packet size .db 1 ; Number of configurations .db 0 ; Extra reserved byte dev_qualdscr_end: ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; High-Speed configuration descriptor ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _highspd_dscr: .db highspd_dscr_end - _highspd_dscr .db DSCR_CONFIG_TYPE ; Total length of the configuration (1st line LSB, 2nd line MSB) .db (highspd_dscr_realend - _highspd_dscr) % 256 .db (highspd_dscr_realend - _highspd_dscr) / 256 .db 1 ; Number of interfaces .db 1 ; Configuration number .db 0 ; Configuration string (none) .db 0x80 ; Attributes (bus powered, no wakeup) .db 0x37 ; Max. power (110mA) highspd_dscr_end: ; Bulk interface 0, alt 0 .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 0 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 0 ; Protocol (0) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 6 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x86 ; EP number (6), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK ; Endpoint type (bulk) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (512 bytes) .db 0x02 ; Max. packet size, MSB (512 bytes) .db 0x00 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 1 .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 1 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (3*1024 bytes) .db 0x14 ; Max. packet size, MSB (3*1024 bytes) .db 0x01 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 2, 16MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 2 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (2*1024 bytes) .db 0x0c ; Max. packet size, MSB (2*1024 bytes) .db 0x01 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 3, 8MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 3 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Max. packet size, MSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x01 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 4, 4MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 4 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Max. packet size, MSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x02 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 5, 2MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 5 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Max. packet size, MSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x03 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 6, 1MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 6 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Max. packet size, MSB (1024 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 7, 500kB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 7 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (512 bytes) .db 0x02 ; Max. packet size, MSB (512 bytes) .db 0x04 ; Polling interval highspd_dscr_realend: .even ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Full-Speed configuration descriptor ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _fullspd_dscr: .db fullspd_dscr_end - _fullspd_dscr .db DSCR_CONFIG_TYPE ; Total length of the configuration (1st line LSB, 2nd line MSB) .db (fullspd_dscr_realend - _fullspd_dscr) % 256 .db (fullspd_dscr_realend - _fullspd_dscr) / 256 .db 2 ; Number of interfaces .db 1 ; Configuration number .db 0 ; Configuration string (none) .db 0x80 ; Attributes (bus powered, no wakeup) .db 0x37 ; Max. power (110mA) fullspd_dscr_end: ; Bulk interface 0, alt 0 .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 0 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 0 ; Protocol (0) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 6 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x86 ; EP number (6), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK ; Endpoint type (bulk) .db 0x40 ; Max. packet size, LSB (512 bytes) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, MSB (512 bytes) .db 0x00 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 1, 1MB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 1 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0xff ; Max. packet size, LSB (1023 bytes) .db 0x03 ; Max. packet size, MSB (1023 bytes) .db 0x01 ; Polling interval ; Isochronous interface 0, alt 2, 500kB/s .db DSCR_INTERFACE_LEN .db DSCR_INTERFACE_TYPE .db 0 ; Interface index .db 2 ; Alternate setting index .db 1 ; Number of endpoints .db 0xff ; Class (vendor specific) .db 0 ; Subclass (0) .db 1 ; Protocol (1) .db 0 ; String index (none) ; Endpoint 2 (IN) .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_LEN .db DSCR_ENDPOINT_TYPE .db 0x82 ; EP number (2), direction (IN) .db ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISO ; Endpoint type (iso) .db 0x00 ; Max. packet size, LSB (512 bytes) .db 0x02 ; Max. packet size, MSB (512 bytes) .db 0x01 ; Polling interval fullspd_dscr_realend: .even ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _dev_strings: ; See http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/USB_LANGIDs.pdf for the full list. _string0: .db string0end - _string0 .db DSCR_STRING_TYPE .db 0x09, 0x04 ; Language code 0x0409 (English, US) string0end: _string1: .db string1end - _string1 .db DSCR_STRING_TYPE .ascii 's\0i\0g\0r\0o\0k\0' string1end: _string2: .db string2end - _string2 .db DSCR_STRING_TYPE .ascii 'f\0x\0002\0l\0a\0f\0w\0' string2end: _dev_strings_end: .dw 0x0000