## ## This file is part of the sigrok project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Uwe Hermann ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ## # # This file is used to create the sigrok-gtk Windows installer via NSIS. # # NSIS documentation: # http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/ # http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/Modern%20UI%202/Readme.html # # Include the "Modern UI" header, which gives us the usual Windows look-n-feel. !include "MUI2.nsh" # --- Global stuff ------------------------------------------------------------ # Installer/product name. Name "@PACKAGE_NAME@" # Filename of the installer executable. OutFile "@PACKAGE_NAME@-@PACKAGE_VERSION@-installer.exe" # Where to install the application. InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@" # Request admin privileges for Windows Vista and Windows 7. # http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/Chapter4.html RequestExecutionLevel admin # Local helper definitions. !define REGSTR "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\@PACKAGE_NAME@" # --- MUI interface configuration --------------------------------------------- # Use the following icon for the installer EXE file. !define MUI_ICON "sigrok-logo-notext.ico" # Show a nice image at the top of each installer page. !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE # Don't automatically go to the Finish page so the user can check the log. !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE # Upon "cancel", ask the user if he really wants to abort the installer. !define MUI_ABORTWARNING # Don't force the user to accept the license, just show it. # Details: http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/3124 !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON $(^NextBtn) !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM "Click Next to continue." # File name of the Python installer MSI file. !define PY_INST "python-3.2.2.msi" # Standard install path of the Python installer (do not change!). !define PY_BIN "c:\Python32" # --- MUI pages --------------------------------------------------------------- # Show a nice "Welcome to the ... Setup Wizard" page. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME # Show the license of the project. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\COPYING" # Show a screen which allows the user to select which components to install. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS # Allow the user to select a different install directory. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY # Perform the actual installation, i.e. install the files. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES # Show a final "We're done, click Finish to close this wizard" message. !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH # Pages used for the uninstaller. !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH # --- MUI language files ------------------------------------------------------ # Select an installer language (required!). !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # --- Default section --------------------------------------------------------- Section "@PACKAGE_NAME@ (required)" Section1 # This section is gray (can't be disabled) in the component list. SectionIn RO # Install the file(s) specified below into the specified directory. SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" # License file File "..\COPYING" # sigrok libs File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\lib\libsigrok.a" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\lib\libsigrokdecode.a" # sigrok-gtk File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\@PACKAGE_NAME@.exe" # Icon File "sigrok-logo-notext.ico" # MinGW libs File "c:\MinGW\bin\mingwm10.dll" File "c:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" File "c:\MinGW\bin\intl.dll" File "c:\MinGW\bin\libiconv-2.dll" File "c:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll" # MSYS libs. File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\msys-1.0.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\msys-z.dll" # External libs File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libglib-2.0-0.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgthread-2.0-0.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libusb-1.0.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\zlib1.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libzip-2.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libusb0.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libftdi.dll" # GTK+ libs File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\freetype6.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libatk-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libcairo-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libfontconfig-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgdk_pixbuf-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgdk-win32-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgio-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgmodule-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgobject-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libgtk-win32-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libpango-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libpangocairo-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libpangoft2-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libpangowin32-*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libpng*.dll" File "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\libexpat-*.dll" # Install the file(s) specified below into the specified directory. SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\decoders" # Protocol decoders File /r /x "__pycache__" \ "c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\share\libsigrokdecode\decoders\*" # Generate the uninstaller executable. WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" # Create a sub-directory in the start menu. CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@" # Create a shortcut for the GTK+ GUI application. CreateShortCut \ "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@\sigrok GTK+ GUI.lnk" \ "$INSTDIR\@PACKAGE_NAME@.exe" "" \ "$INSTDIR\@PACKAGE_NAME@.exe" 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL \ "" "Open-source, portable logic analyzer software" # Create a shortcut for the uninstaller. CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@\Uninstall.lnk" \ "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" 0 \ SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Uninstall @PACKAGE_NAME@" # Create registry keys for "Add/remove programs" in the control panel. WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "DisplayName" "@PACKAGE_STRING@" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "UninstallString" \ "$\"$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe$\"" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "InstallLocation" "$\"$INSTDIR$\"" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "DisplayIcon" \ "$\"$INSTDIR\sigrok-logo-notext.ico$\"" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "Publisher" "sigrok" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "HelpLink" \ "http://sigrok.org/wiki/Sigrok-gtk" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "URLUpdateInfo" \ "http://sigrok.org/wiki/Downloads" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "URLInfoAbout" "http://sigrok.org" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "DisplayVersion" "@PACKAGE_VERSION@" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "Contact" \ "sigrok-devel@lists.sourceforge.org" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGSTR}" "Comments" \ "This is a GTK+ based sigrok GUI." # Display "Remove" instead of "Modify/Remove" in the control panel. WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REGSTR}" "NoModify" 1 WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${REGSTR}" "NoRepair" 1 SectionEnd # --- Python installer section ------------------------------------------------ Section "Python" Section2 # Copy the Python installer MSI file into the temporary directory. SetOutPath "$TEMP" File "c:\${PY_INST}" # Run the Python installer MSI file from within our installer. ExecWait '"msiexec" /i "$TEMP\${PY_INST}" /QB- /passive ALLUSERS=1' # Remove Python installer MSI file again. Delete "$TEMP\${PY_INST}" SectionEnd # --- Uninstaller section ----------------------------------------------------- Section "Uninstall" # Always delete the uninstaller first (yes, this really works). Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" # Delete the application, the application data, and related libs. Delete "$INSTDIR\COPYING" Delete "$INSTDIR\libsigrok.a" Delete "$INSTDIR\libsigrokdecode.a" Delete "$INSTDIR\@PACKAGE_NAME@.exe" Delete "$INSTDIR\sigrok-logo-notext.ico" Delete "$INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\intl.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libiconv-2.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libstdc++-6.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\msys-1.0.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\msys-z.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libglib-2.0-0.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgthread-2.0-0.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libusb-1.0.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\zlib1.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libzip-2.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libusb0.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libftdi.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\freetype6.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libatk-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libcairo-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libfontconfig-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgdk_pixbuf-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgdk-win32-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgio-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgmodule-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgobject-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libgtk-win32-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libpango-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libpangocairo-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libpangoft2-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libpangowin32-*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libpng*.dll" Delete "$INSTDIR\libexpat-*.dll" # Delete all decoders and everything else in decoders/. # There could be *.pyc files or __pycache__ subdirs and so on. RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\decoders\*" # Delete the install directory and its sub-directories. RMDir "$INSTDIR\decoders" RMDir "$INSTDIR" # Delete the links from the start menu. Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@\sigrok GTK+ GUI.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@\Uninstall.lnk" # Delete the sub-directory in the start menu. RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok\@PACKAGE_NAME@" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\sigrok" # Delete the registry key(s). DeleteRegKey HKLM "${REGSTR}" SectionEnd # --- Component selection section descriptions -------------------------------- LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This installs the sigrok GTK+ GUI, the protocol decoders, and all required libraries." LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This installs Python 3.2 in its default location of c:\Python32. If you already have Python 3.2 installed, you don't need to re-install it." !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section1} $(DESC_Section1) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section2} $(DESC_Section2) !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END